Yo, I heard you like RP fanfictions so I wrote another.

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Ya I know, I rp this a lot. This features the same demon and angel and young gods from the previous fanfiction. This one features the angel and demon as Teachers. AGAIN these are pretty bad but gift of my writing is worth it I guess?? Let me know if anyone is actually reading this dudes. And if you have a fanfic idea I might write it maybe not finish but will write dude.


Out of everything Chen and Aurik would say about themselves, awkward was not one of them. Maybe badass, cool, suave, but never awkward. They have handled many things from death, dying, fighting each other, getting raped while all may have affected them it never caused too much trouble for them in public. Never were they prepared for this...Jenshi and Poetlin getting jobs at their school.


"5 more minutes, 5 more minutes then it's my favorite class." Chen thought to herself while sitting in math. The subject wasn't boring but simply was not something she thought to be important, she could figure all of what he was talking about with her powers. Teachers, to her, were unnecessary; yet she still enjoyed a few classes opting to pay attention in History and Home Economics.

"Then you move the X over to the other side and divide by 4" the teacher, Mr.Flifdher continued on the equation.

Chen perked her head up, suddenly not zoning out as she noticed something. His thought process changed he wasn't going to continue to focus on what he was doing, this only interested her because this meant they were going to be let out early, she could get a bit of free time to prepare for her next class.

Just as she knew the teacher let her out and Chen runned out of the classroom, mainly to avoid the people who enjoyed picking on her because she was different in the way she acted, and looked; it always made her mad, how even though her and her brother, Aurik's looks where different she was the one ridiculed for looking different and new, and he was fawned over and flirted with for the same reason. But she wasn't going to think of that History was next. History always made her happy because it was a taste of what her parents were apart of, she enjoyed imagining what they were doing at the time of what they were learning about.

"Hey, Chen!" A familiar voice cut through the hallway, it was her brother Aurik.

"Hey." Chen said her voice quiet yet still sounding glad to hear her brother and not her bullies.

"Some of these people are going to drive me insane, if I am not already."

"Maybe you are and we are all just delusions imagined by an insane mind." Chen said with a small chuckle at the end.

"The fuck everyone here, I am imagining a place with just my family and our house guests."

"Even though that seems great, Xen would slowly go insane from too much housewifing."  

"Oh well, anyway I got to go drag my sorry ass to P.E. and hope I don't run into Red."

"Good luck then, let me know if you need anything."

She watches her brother walk off, his white hair unbrushed and she gets a small glimpse of his yellow eyes looking back at her and she gives a smirk and a small flip off as a joke and even if he didn't want her to, she saw the small smile.

Chen started walking a bit faster to History but not so fast the short skirt of her school uniform would go up, she maybe was a bit small at the house but she was taller than what the uniform was made for so if she walked too fast it would go up a bit. Eventually she gets there the classroom reminding her of museum with maps handing all over each all and books covering most of the shelves and even a few replica's sitting on the desk. Chen goes and takes her seat, the one closest to the door and takes out her book, and then her notebook. Both of which she has drawn on the cover, her notebook being filled with alchemy symbols and pentagrams with lists of summoning objects (She had to explain this to the teacher at first), and her history book's dust cover has her name on it and then a few doodles of her parents as some of the historical figures. (Her personal favorites being Jenshi as the queen of england and Poetlin as Jack the Ripper)

"Okay everyone 2 minutes." A new voice in the school, Chen tilted her head. She didn't remember hearing of a new student. She would use her powers to sense who it was but...she felt like she couldn't, like this new person knew her, knew her power and made it so that she couldn't.

"Hay Aurik, is there a new student in the school?" Chen asked using her and her brother's connected thoughts.

"Not that I know of, there shouldn't be." Aurik's voice echos through Chen's head.

"I just hear a new person, But I feel like I know them." Chen sighs out loud and puts her hand on the desk.

Chen looks at the door her red eyes narrowing trying to think of who it could be. But no one seemed to stand out as someone who would bother to even start school. Chen after a while of staring at the door for what seemed like forever started to braid the red streak in her hair.

Ding, ding.

The bell rang and in walked the mystery person....Her mother, Poetlin. Chen fell backwards out of her chair.

"Ha, clutz, pay attention idiot." A boy named Le shouted from the back of the class and a glare was sent from both Chen and Poetlin.

"If you wish to make fun of a fellow student then tell me this, in what year did Prussia become part of the German Empire?" Poetlin said with a snark almost like Aurik talked to most people.

"Shit! Uhh 1918!"

"Good job, but anyway the lesson stands do not call a student an idiot." Poetlin sits at the desk, "May name is Poetlin Chaos-Ayano, you may refer to me by my first name."

A few whispers go across the classroom as Poetlin says her last name, mainly about Chen.

"I am a new teacher here now let's get introductions, say your name and one thing about you starting with you right there the one who fell out of your chair."

Chen glares at her, "I'm Chen." She eases up on her glare, "And I know the zodiac signs in order."

The rest of the kids introduce themselves and all Chen can think of is, "Why me! Aurik could I just kill myself, I mean we will come back."

"What is it this time?"  Aurik asks confused and slightly worried.

"Mom is teaching History."

"What do you mean, Mom is teaching history?"


"Chen! Were you paying attention?" Poetlin asks Chen noticing she wasn't focusing.

"No Poetlin, I'm sorry."

"We are watching a video today on the revolutionary war and you will be taking notes."

"Okay mo- I mean Poetlin."

A few snickers are hear here and there but there then that no one seems to care.

Poetlin puts on the move and sits down at the desk.

"Maybe this won't be so bad...I can make it through this class without too much trouble."  

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