Another RP fanfiction.

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This one has a bit more angst and features two young gods who's parents are a demon and a angel, the If I remember it gets explained.

Chen never thought of herself as a writer, the words never flowed quite the way she wanted. Yet this writing project seemed to flow out of her like the emotions this was stirring.

"The hero's sister wished it could be her in this state yet whenever she tried the forces at be seemed to stop her."

Chen wiped her eyes for the seventh time writing this paragraph her black and gold tears stained her hands from crying so much.

"Chen it's time for dinner!" Chen's mother, Jenshi, yelled from downstairs.

Chen didn't answer, she hasn't eaten dinner for a while but she felt it didn't seem right. She felt empty, so her stomach being empty never bothered her. She spent most of her time hidden in her room avoiding mirrors, writing and going to the hospital.

There was a knock on the door, "Come on Chen, you need food." Mae said from the other side.

"I'm fine, I'll eat at the hospital." Chen replied shutting her laptop and putting it into her bag.

Chen walked to the door and opened it looking at Mae, Chen normally would be stopped in her tracks by how beautiful the grim reaper looked but she didn't feel things like that anymore. Her time, she decided, would be spent with her brother.

Mae grabbed Chen's wrist, "You need to, everyone's worried about you and him. Please eat for us...for me?" Mae's voice held worry for her girlfriend but Chen pulled her arm away forcefully.

"I told you, I'll eat at the hospital. Beside's I will only eat if my brother is there with me, so if I starve and die with him, then so be it." Chen's voice held determination, her yellow eyes that were once red showed how much she was hurting on the inside.

Chen ran away from Mae and out the door taking a leap before someone could grab her and flew to the hospital. Her white hair got into her face and she moved it away trying not to look at it; her hair turned white and eyes yellow after the incident and won't change back but Chen didn't care because it matched her brother. After a while of flying she reached the hospital and landed outside the door walking in, most of the people now knew her she visited often and stayed for as long as she was allowed; she didn't talk to anyone she walked to the stairs and ran up to her brother's room.

Chen looked in through the window to see if anyone was there and was happy to find she would be alone in the room with Aurik.

She opened the door and walked over to the bed, "Hi Aurik, I'm sorry I was late, but I brought another chapter of my story."

She got no response, like always. Aurik's hair was a mess sticking up everywhere and reaching his shoulders, his eyes were opened but there was no light in them he looked empty, like Chen felt. The heart monitor proved he was alive but if you looked quickly you would think otherwise.

Chen felt tears welling up in her eyes again, "Come on bro I made it just for you, you gotta say something. Call me a dork," She wiped her eyes once more and smiled, "I guess I will just have to read it to you, won't I?"

Chen looked at her brother before starting to read, she wanted something out of him, anything even death by his hand would've been better than this. But she knew this is what he chose, he decided to push her away, he decided to use all magic he had to save them and now...he is an empty shell and Chen can do nothing but watch. She remembers that day vividly and looking back on it the only thing she can think of is, "I should've noticed it sooner."

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