Demonstuck, Kanaya and Vriska stuff

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This is far from done as I still have inspiration (HOLY SHIT WOW I KNOW) But ya know I wanna post this rn just in case. So this is my shizzle I have written so far.

Kanaya stares at the wall, her green eyes staring at the lavender paint. Her knee bounces up and down her tan hands bouncing with it as they rest on her lap. She looks down at her hands the gold ring resting on her wedding finger shines up at her and a small sad smile crosses her face, just seeing the ring reminding her of her wife, Rose. She was more then in love with her and she knew this, just looking at Rose filled her with joy she has never knew before meeting her. She loved Rose's short blonde hair and her purple eyes and pale skin, she loved Rose's façade of being so clean and put together but even more so loved Rose's actual personality of sarcastic uneat and almost dark. So her panic was boiled even more when Vriska Serket showed up at her door. Kanaya thought she left Vriska, thought that she was free from her. Vriska was different from Rose, Vriska had dark jet black hair and teal eyes that could see right into what you where thinking, quiet literally. Vriska was able to read and control her mind and it annoyed Kanaya to no end that she was so open to this control.

Vriska and Kanaya had an odd relationship. When Kanaya was younger she used to beg for Vriska to take control of her mind and distract her from her stress, and Vriska who was always open for anything to meddle with would gladly take Kanaya over. Over time Kanaya realized she was coming for less of stress distraction and more to just see Vriska...She was in love. Vriska on the other hand was using her as a pawn, it was never personal beyond pissing off someone by using Kanaya, she really just thought them as friends if anything. They seemed when they where younger as the perfect pair almost. Vriska had a stronger personality then Kanaya yet Kanaya was able to keep Vriska in check when she has control of her mind. Vriska almost always did the same thing with her, not out of enjoyment of it, but more of to live up to what she was "meant" to be; Kanaya when under Vriska's power would pleasure Vriska, simply because Vriska knew people who came before her in the "Mind Control" class did the same thing. She always felt bad after and sometimes during though, she knew Kanaya didn't deserve this but because Kanaya never voiced complaints she never stopped.

This is what scared Kanaya, Vriska and her old games coming to play in her new life. She was married now, she had friends and was hoping to eventually have a kid and get a house, open a shop with her fashion. Yet she feared this would never happen, she was scared that her wife would find out what had happened and get mad, and she never wanted that. She was always the mediator never the one causing the problem and for once she didn't know what to do. Her knee stops bouncing and her red skirt falls back down laying just over her knee in the front and on the floor in the back. She soothes out her tucked in black shirt and stands up hoping that her stress doesn't show on her face. She checks herself in the mirror and nods when she realizes that her stress is still concealed. Kanaya twists her wedding ring and frowns she searches in her jewlery box and pulls out a gold locket and takes her ring off and puts it on the chain and then the necklace around her neck, she couldn't stand seeing the ring right now, but she needed it on. She turns and walks out of the bedroom shutting the door and leans on it her heart racing from stress.

"Kanaya, are you alright?" A female voice rings out from the hallway.
Kanaya jumps and spins around to face the noise, "Oh! Jane...I didn't see you standing there."
Jane stands at the end of the hallway exiting her own room, she's peering over her red round glasses frames her pale blue eyes staring Kanaya down. "You didn't answer me, are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm quite fine Jane. Thank you for asking." Kanaya holds her own hand in front of her stomach hoping she doesn't seem as tense as she feels. She was scared Jane also could control and take over Kanaya, and she didn't need someone else doing it at the moment.
Jane stared down Kanaya her pale eyes glancing up and down. "If you say so...Care to join me for tea in the kitchen?"
Kanaya nods gently her dark brown hair falling over her eyes casting a shadow, her dark circles more noticeable. "I would love tea."

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