Chapter Five: Alia Fletson

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Chapter Five:

Alia's POV

It makes me that much stronger

Makes me work a little bit harder

Makes me that much wiser

Thanks for making me a fighter

Christina Aguilera, "Fighter"

Most of the Victory Tour flew by quickly.

Districts Eleven, Ten, Nine, Eight, and Seven were almost a mere blur of people cheering and sobbing. Of course, I couldn't visit any one of those Districts without hearing the whole 'Careers are heartless murderers' ordeal. After hearing it about five times, I snapped in District Seven.

"Would you please just shut up? You don't know anything about me or my life! I'm sick and tired of people always assuming that just because I'm a Career tribute means that I'm devoid of emotions! Well, I hate to disappoint you all, but in case you were unaware, I actually have feelings," I snarled.

Everyone in the audience fell dead silent. I had never been the type to get angry easily. But having a bunch of strangers call me heartless... well, that sent me over the edge.

"But thank you," I continued, "Because if it wasn't for you hypocrites, I wouldn't be able to take any criticism... But don't judge a book by its cover."

Effie abruptly came to the stage, the anger turning her powdered face red, as she said, "Well... um, this year's victors of the Hunger Games... Cyra, Alia, Gale, and Cato... we hope you enjoyed..."

 As soon as we headed back into the train, Gale came up to me, a huge smirk across his face. "Never knew you were that feisty. Well, congratulations, you sure showed them."

"Thank you, Gale...? But, honestly, how would you feel if people kept calling you a cold-blooded murderer?"

"Well, Alia, that would never happen. I'm not a Career."


"Would you just leave her alone, Gale? Or are you going to bug her, too?" Cyra snapped from behind us.

"Shut up, Cyra! I'm not bugging  her!"

"Gale, you're being such an idiot! Just leave me alone—"

"WOULD YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING ALREADY!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I'm sorry, but this doesn't involve you, Career!" Cyra snapped at me, her violet eyes blazing with fury.

"Really? Last time I checked, Cyra, this argument was about me."

Cyra held her head low at that, slightly sorry for snapping at me.

"Oh, yeah, sure, I'm  the idiot..." Gale muttered under his breath.

"Look, Gale, I know that you're mad because I'm getting married and all, but that's no excuse for you to be a total jerk!"

Gale turned to walk away from her with the words, "I love you, Cyra. I always have and I always will. No one, not even Frost, will ever take that away from me."

Tears slide out of Cyra's eyes as he leans into my arms for a hug.

"It'll all work out fine in the end, Cyra, trust me," I whispered.

"How do you know that, Alia? I'm getting married!! I'm only fifteen and I'm getting married. I don't even love Shawn! I love Gale... but we'll never be able to be together now. Besides that, Reaping day is coming soon. That's the anniversary of my sister's death... and my sixteenth birthday. How could things possibly be fine, Alia?" she sobbed.

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