How To Love Yourself pt.2

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How To Love Yourself Series


Look fam, I have flaws, you have, flaws the cat down the road has flaws... you're no different. And it's about time to accept what you can't change and improve on what you can.

The main problem (let's all be honest to ourselves) is not the external problem, it's the internal problem.

I might get hate for saying this, but I'm sticking to my value of honesty. All these mental illnesses are just psychological: anxiety, depression, dissociation (which I live with). And yeah there may be physical health involved but generally speaking, it's the mind causing these problems.

It's all in the mind.

It is scientifically proven that our thoughts are different essences in themselves.

This is a link to some psychology website I found, it doesn't show scientific data but it really induces you in the idea of thoughts being separate.

I genuinely don't have a specific source to this idea, but I came across it from a very trustworthy person and from my personal knowledge, its became common sense to me.

But if you're not convinced yet, I'm sure you'll find some credible information on this fact. I just thought I'd bring it up since it came across my mind.

So if our thoughts are the problem then all we have to do is change that energetic field of our thoughts into a more positive environment for our internal self. So start looking on the bright side. Once you start repeating these positive things about yourself, they will be glued into your subconscious and you will begin to live your life in the view of your thoughts. (This is my common sense)

These problems you face may seem big in your head, but really they're miniscule, and it's just your ego finding another problem or excuse to not live your life fufillingly.

So instead of feeling inspired from this and using it for just one day, start
practicing this mentality as soon as you wake. You will notice a huge difference in your external and internal life, which solves that problem.

So if you haven't taken anything from these words, just know in order to accept yourself you must accept this physical and personality role that you play, but deep down understand that you are apart of something bigger than your human being and you deserve to know that it's okay to accept what you can't change.

Life is a game, and the purpose isn't to reach to finish line and strive for perfection, it's to live in an eternal state of harmony, whatever level your on and see the perfection of life the way it is, when it is.

That is how you accept not only your self but the life your life.

- You are loved by, KeSyia

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