Making Happiness

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I have recently come to the realization of something, I spend my time waiting for happiness to magically fall out of the sky just because I have been through alot and feel I deserve it. But I recently noticed that in actuality this is the mind set that keeps me from happiness. I spend my time doubting if I ever have even felt happiness and waiting for my moment of it but these doubts are what hold me back. I am suppressing my own happiness. So for those of you in dark times or just out of dark times sometimes you have to take the time to cultivate your own happiness where there is none. I know every circumstance is different but if you can apply any of this to yourself I think you can experience more, learn more, and live more than ever before. Of course I have yet to go through  everything myself (though I'm not under-estimating its difficulty, I'm also not doubting the possibility )  so I'll keep you guys updated. ~Love, Sophia ♡

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