Chapter 7

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Josh's POV

I had finally made contact with the right people to set up my surprise for the girls. The only problem is that the boys hadn't contacted me back to completely seal the deal. However, I was told that their management would get one of the boys to call me back as soon as they could. So now it's the waiting game with them!

I have noticed some changes in lex's behavior lately. Sometimes she sits around like a zombie, not paying attention to anyone. Sometimes she doesn't even realize when the kids are trying to talk to her. Ian has suggested that we give her a lot of time by herself, just making sure that someone is actually in the house to keep her safe. There has been a time or two when she's doing something like washing dishes and then she will just drop whatever dish she has in hands and smash it in the sink. She has been avoiding me like the plague, for whatever reason. I don't think I've done anything to offend her but she seems like I have. She seems to be having an internal battle with herself. Like, one moment she's okay and the next she's totally unstable. She's still stable enough to parent the girls but everything else just seems to be hitting some sort of battlefield. I don't even know what to do, since she won't be near me.

I tried it get Lex to talk it me alone to find out what was wrong but she freaked out and ran out on me. Usually that would be a small turn on for me but this hit me hard. I realized that she was doing to me what I had done to her 6 years ago. My biggest fear with her avoiding me was that she seemed to be getting closer to Matt. Not that Matt is a bad guy but I don't want him having her. She is the love of my life and no other man will ever touch her. I know Matt wants to have that kind of relationship with her too so it's even worse than I originally thought it was.

We were all sitting in the living room and Lex was texting on her phone. It was around 10 at night so the girls had gone to bed a while ago. There was radio music playing low in the background and we were just talking. Lex was barely paying any attention to the world around her as she was so wrapped up in the text conversation she was having.

Ian was rambling on about some random girl he had met earlier. "Lex, don't you wanna get yourself back out there sometimes and meet someone new again?" He asked.

Her head suddenly popped up and she stared at him. "No! After all the bad experiences I've had with men, why would I want to trust another one? Especially since I have two little girls who depend on me to protect them." She seemed kind of angry that he had even suggested the idea of her dating. And she also seemed really spiteful for what I had done.

He sighed and then chuckled lightly. "Okay! Don't freak out! I was only trying to help you out. Maybe another guy is what you need at this current point in time."

She glared. "But not what I want." What crawled up her ass and died?

My phone started to ring so I answered it. "Hello?" I heard an English accent on the other end and knew who it was. I excused myself and walked outside to the back. I put the phone back up to my ear. "Alright, so I assume your manager has told you what the call is about?" I asked whoever was on the other line.

I heard a chuckle. "Sorry lad, but we don't know anything. We were only told to call your number an hour ago. Mind filling us in? The phone is on speaker so you don't have to repeat."

I chuckled. "Okay. And out of curiosity, which member of the band am I currently speaking to?"

"I'm Harry, and who are you exactly?" He asked.

I chuckled. "I'm Josh, from Mariana's trench. So, basically, I have two little girls here and they are probably your biggest fans right now. For their birthday, which is in a month now, they asked to see you. So, because I love the girls and I'm really close to their mom, I promise them a surprise. So, are you up for the deal or no?" I asked, praying for them to say yes.

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