How Aru Figured it Out

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"How did you find me?" Hiro asks Aru. The detective smirks and says, "It's simple, really." He walks around the garage while talking. "Everyone knows about the infamous 14 year old who got in the prestigious school, San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. The boy got in showing his tech called mircobots."

Aru stares in amazement at the advance technology that Hiro has stored in his garage. The albino asks, "Is this all of it?" Hiro tells him, "No." Then asks, " A-and how dose this help you find out that I'm apart of Big Hero 6?" Aru wags a finger at the boy, still staring at the tech. "I'm getting there."

Aru continues. "The villain who swore to kill Alistair was using microbots. The six heroes that saves Alistair were using advance technology in their suits." The detective smiles, "I could only guess that the students came from San Fransokyo Institute of Technology." He picks up a jar with Gallium inside. "It's an amazing school, I must admit." He puts the jar back on the self. "One of the best."

Hiro says, he talks fast and says some words with a shutter. "H-H-How did you find me? Th-That's my question." The robotics genius spreads his arms out and falls onto his chair. "There are so many students at the school! I don't get how you knew that it was me."

Aru finally faces the confused boy. "Because the superhero in the purple suit was the only one that matches your height, your voice, and the only one with a Baymax." He takes a couple steps forward. "And if I recall, you have a Baymax as well." He leans his face close to Hiro, then moves back. "Also, you admitted it." Hiro lets out a gasp and Aru chuckles at the collage student's reaction.



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