Why Aru Needs Help from Big Hero 6

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Hiro asks, "Why are you here?" Aru pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a sigh, remembering the chaos that has happened back where he lives. "Did you not hear me the first time? I need your help." He snaps.

"With what?!" Hiro demands. "You don't know this, but I'm confused right now and I need you to explain." Aru stays calm. "I apologize." He says. "I didn't think about what you would think." He stuffs his hands in his jacket pocket.

The detective is extremely stressed, but he is trying his best to stay as calm and collected to the best of his abilities. He is doing good so far. Not great, but good.

"I didn't think. I'm sorry." The albino apologizes once more to the collage boy. Hiro stands up from his seat and walks up to the stressed teen. "Hey, don't need to be upset." He puts a hand on Aru's shoulder. "What happened?"

Aru gulps and looks up at the boy his age. He says, "There is someone or something causing destruction to my town."

He recalls the falling buildings and fire surrounding the area. He can remember hearing the screams of his friends and many others; not sure if they're alive or not.

"It's hurting everyone. I don't know how are why it's doing it, but it needs to stop."

The detective takes a deep breath. He hates to admit it, but he needs help. Not even the government can help with what's happening. The despair. The chaos.

The young boy would usually be able to solve the case and save the day, sending the bad guy to jail. He would do that all by himself, well, with the help of the police and scientist of coarse.

"The government has even been taken down." He looks up from his cold, pale hands. "That's why I need to help of Big Hero 6. You are the only hope I have to save my town. My friends."

Hiro stays silent, taking it all in. He's in shock hearing the story. This is why Aru is so desperate for help. He pitied the detective. He feels sorry and wants to do anything he can to help.

The albino adds, "The monster creating such despair will move onto other places to cause chaos. It will move on to hurt others and I don't want that to happen." Aru does not want the monster creating such destruction to continue. He wants it gone.

The two genius' make eye contact with each other. The messy haired boy nods his head. "I promise that we," In by "we", he means Big Hero 6, "will save your city." He tightens his grip on Aru's shoulder. "Big Hero 6 will help you."

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