Meeting the Others

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The two genius' hide behind a table. Aru asks to collage student, "Why are we sneaking?" Hiro didn't exactly know why they were hiding as well. He just felt like it. The teen shrugs and replies in a whisper, "I don't know, but it's like a movie if we sneak around or something." He turns his head to face Aru, but he was no longer there.

The robot nerd jumps back in surprise. He never noticed that the detective left. Aru's sneaky and silent. Hiro makes a mental note of that.

He scans the area until he spots the unique looking detective. His eyes widen as he sees Aru casual walk inside the building. Hiro lets out a gasp and runs inside.

Hiro calls out Aru's name, still out of breath from the running, he puts his knees on his hands and bends over. He turns his messy head around in different directions until he spots the albino talking to one of his friends. He walks up to the two.

The blonde turns around when she sees Hiro walk up to them. She says with a big smile, "Hey Hiro!" Hiro rubs the back of his neck and smiles a small smile. Honey Lemon grabs Aru by the shoulders and shakes him lightly. "Hiro! I have found my purse savior!"

Hiro scrunches up his noes, he's confused. "What are you talking about?" Aru is grateful that he helped the blonde save her purse from the thief the first day he came to San Fransokyo. He lets the cheerful collage student do all the talking.

Honey Lemon hits her forehead with her palm. "Oh! I didn't tell you? Well," She turns her head to Aru, "This boy saved my purse from a thief!" Hiro blinks twice, a bit shocked from this information. "He saved-"

"Mr. . ." Aru tells his name to the happy blonde. "Mr. Akise saved my purse!" She leans close to Hiro and says. "And I had some chemicals in it too! It took months of research to get it! So, I am very grateful that he saved it." She says with a chuckle, then looks at the two.


"Hold on, so he needs our help?" Go go asks while pointing at the albino. Honey Lemon sniffs and lightly taps the edged of her eyes with a tissue, "Poor thing. His friends are in danger!" Wasabi holds his hands up before anyone else says anything before he could. "How do we know that this isn't some scheme to expose us?" The physics major is right. They don't know anything about the boy besides his looks, name, and the sound of his voice.

Everyone stays silent. Aru tells them that he really needs help. He has friends that are hurt and that they are his only hope. His rose red eyes have worry in them.

Honey Lemon was the first to say something. She puts her hand on his shoulder and stares at the albino with kind eyes with a sweet smile. "I believe you." The chemical engineering student faces her fellow nerds and stands up for Akise. "He helped me, so now I will help him."

Hiro nods. "Aru went all the way here! And- and I'm guessing that where he comes from is very far away from here." Aru nods, remembering the times where he would have to stop sometimes because his feet cramped and how he would run out of money for food and water because spend all of it on a plane and bus tickets.

Hiro continues, "We are a superhero team! We help others in need and protect the world!" He sticks his hand out, waiting for his team members and friends to join in and agree to help Akise.

Honey Lemon puts her hand on top of Hiro's. Next, Fred put his hand in. He says that I'll be fun. "This is like from a comic I read before!" He get excited over how he gets to reenact the comic. After the mascot, Go Go Tomagao puts her hand in the middle. She uses her other hand to ruffle Akise's hair playfully and smiles at him. Last, but not least came Wasabi. After seeing his friends put their hand in, he decided to join in also. He sees that they trust the detective and will put his trust in him as well.

Aru Akise smiles at the sight of Big Hero 6. Before they raise their hands up in the air, Hiro tells Akise to join in. He hesitates at first, but puts his hand in anyway. They raise their hands up and yell their team name.

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