Chapter 21

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(Time skip to 5 mounts later)
Maya's POV

We get to find out what the gender is of the twins today yay. We are in the ultrasound and the doctor come in and sits down beside me.

"Ok Maya how are you" my doctor asked me

"I'm good I just can't wait to see my baby's" I said and then he put the gel on my belly and put the thing on my belly and moved it so me and Riley can see our babys. I love the sound of that our babys.

"Would you guys like to know the gender of the babys?" My doctor asked.

"Yes" me and Riley said

"Ok then, Maya you are going to have baby girls." The doctor said and the he leaves.

"Maya, we are going to have baby girls. We need to pick of names." Riley said but I looked at her and giggled. "You all ready picked out names, didn't you?"

"Yes, yes I did" I said

"Ok, what are they?" She said

"Elena Toponga Maya Hart and Autumn Katy Riley Hart" I said

"I love it" she said and the doctor said I can go home now.

sorry for the short chapter.

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