Chapter 22

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(This chapter is for KayHendrix. I hope you love this chapter)

Maya's POV

I'm very pregnant but I want to asked Riley to marry me so Cory and Toponga got me the ring for Riley.

I have the ring in my hand. I go over to Riley sitting at the bay window and I sit next to her.

"Riley, I have loved you for years now and I thought I would never have a chance with you when Ranger Rick came to town. I never thought you would have the same feelings for me like I did for you but I guess I was wrong. I hoped that one day that I would be with the love of my life. And here we are. We are together and happy together." I said and I started to cry but not because I'm sad because I'm happy. "And Riley, I can't live without you in my life. I want to wake up to that beautiful face of your everyday till the end of your days. Riley Matthews, will you make me the happiest person in the world by marrying me?" I look at Riley and she is crying to.

"Yes. Yes in every language." Riley said and I kissed her and than pulled away to put the ring on her hand and than we hear 'awwww' outside our bedroom door.

"Come in guys." I said. They all come in Sarah, Lucas, Farkle, Auggie, my mom, my future mother in law, and my future father in law. "Hey guys, so I know you guys know we are getting married but you guys don't know is the twins are going to be girls."

"Yay" Auggie said and jumped on Riley and I just set there giggling at my future wife and future brother in law"I'm going to be an uncle" I giggled more and Riley giggled to. Auggie is so cute.

"Yep buddy, you are going to be an uncle." I said "because Riley is going on the birth certificates." Riley looked at me with a smile on her face.  " oh and yeah we have the name picked out to"

"What are the name?" They asked us

"Elena Toponga Maya Hart and Autumn Katy Riley Hart." Riley said

"Aww so cute" they said

"Maya, you put my name and Toponga's name with you and Riley's name for your babys names I love it baby girl" my mom said

"Thank you mommy" I said "and they are both mine and Riley babys mommy"

"I know baby girl" she said and looks at Riley and I do the same and Riley has a big goofy smile on her face. I kiss her cheek. I whisper in her  ear "you are so beautiful with that goofy smile on your face and I love you so much baby. I can't wait to be married to you and watch you take care of our baby girls" then I look at her and her smile got bigger and goofier god I love her.

"Thank you Maya. I love you to" she said and I smile at her. I kiss her nose. Everyone else lefted and my so tired.

"Riley I'm so tired" I said and go to the bed.

"Me to baby" she said and lays next to me. I fall asleep within seconds.

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