•●|Chapter 4|●•

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Chapter 4: Heros Era

Can you hear?
My heartbeat
Tried of feeling, Never enough
I close my eyes
and tell myself, that my dreams will come true

~History Maker

{The following Goddesses will be said and created into the look I see fit for them. If you don't like this, you may leave, and I don't want to hear any hate from this. So put on your big boy and girl pants toughen up, and let reality hit you in the face, cause chicka! You don't always get what you want}

My birthday past, and I was busy so that's why there was no update. Sorry!

"Where I'm I?" Percy croaked out. Different colors of black surrounded his vision. He was on his hands and knees. Pain and exhaustion was creeping in every corner of his body, causing him to gasp for air.

"Perseus." Percy's head snapped towards the voice. He pushed his hand off the ground, so he was sitting on his knees hunched forward a little. "We're here to do something that will change you for the better good." The voice was sure that this was the best idea. For they can't let a hero die, after a stupid God killed him. "We are making you be reborn."

"Let me die." Percy said shakily. He tried to hold back tears but the pain and the words hurt. "Just let me leave this place." He plead looking at the floor. A hand carlessed Percy Cheek, making him look up at the figure.

"Perseus, you and that Athena spawn were one of the first to survive my rivers." Styx, The Titan Goddesses of Hate (She was originally the Titan goddess of hate, until Zeus gave her the river in the underworld), smiled at Percy. Her pink hair flowed behind her, like a rivers wave. Her black pupils looked at Percy before she took a step back letting her hand fall away from his face slowly.

"Mother is right." A red hair girl who had pulcing night like eyes, came into to view. Bia, the Titan goddess of Force. Bia floated over to Percy, her skin was tan, while her mother's ~Styx~ was pale.

"You can not die yet, young hero." A Titianess with black hair that shined as the beauty of night, with starry like eyes came from behind Percy and grabbed his shoulder with comfort. Nyx the paranormal of Night.

Styx nodded her head to Nyx, making strains of her pink hair fall in front of her face. Bia raised her knee and rested her chin on it. "We need to continue, I can feel someone trying to break the barriers." Bia turned to look at one side of the the black empty room like she sees something while Percy is sitting here like. 'What the hell did I get into' look.

"Percy, you must understand that, if we don't do this, fate will be in the hands of death it's self." Nyx had her lips in a thin line, as she spoke. Power, and aggressiveness slipped through her words, as Bia got more and more shifty with the barriers.

"Percy." Styx cut in. Her eyes were shaking like she was about to explode. She grasped both of Percy shoulders holding herself up like she was in pain. Nyx back away a little sadden to see Styx in pain. "A God is screwing up fate." Anger was highly detected in her voice, making her flinch. "We don't know who, but he (or she) is slowly killing my rivers." Styx tried to continue but fell on to her knee.

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