•~•Chapter 5•~•

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Mama Said there'd be
Like you
Tearin' my heart in two
Doin' what you do best
Takin' me on a ride
Boys Like You; Anna Clendening; Nightmore Version.


A eleven years old Girl, with light black hair -giving it a dark grey look- with bright green eyes laughed as she ran away from her father who chasing after her.

Just a few seconds ago, Pearl told her mother and father, that she was going hang out with her friends at the park. And they were mostly boys...
Paul didn't like this and started to chase The laughing Pearl.

"Get back here Pearl!" Paul chased after Pearl who run into the bath room, locking the door. Her giggles echoed through out the apartment. "Fine! I give up." Pauls muffled voice sounded from the other side of the door.

Pearl, giggled once more and opened the doors doing a pose. "I win again!" She jumped up before rushing to her mother -Sally- with a mouth splitting grin. "I get to go!" Pearl shouted in glee, dancing around her mother.

"Good for you." Sally laughed. Her now shoulder length hair swad back and forth as she watched Pearl. Sally let her smile fall for a second before crouching down and stopping Pearls victory dance. "Pearl, I need to tell you something before you go." Paul leaned against the door frame with a small smile.

"Yes, mom." Pearl asked with big green eyes, as she stared at Sally.

"I know those boys are your friends, but boys can do stupid things all the time. Just be careful." Sally kissed Pearls head. Giving a small smile, Paul walked over a ruffled Pearls head, who stuck her tounge out at him.

"Be good kiddo." Paul tickled Pearl as she tried to giggle out what her response was.

"I'll try." Pearl gave a close eye smile, and was breathing heavily after Paul stopped tickling her.


I'll be careful.

Pearl sat on the swings with a downcast look. Tears pricked her eyes. I should of listened to Papa. That thought ran through her mind faster then Flash can run a block. Her breathing was uneven and he heart was beating tremendously fast. Whimpers escape from her mouth as she cryed.

It hurt. Knowing you were used. Used for something that you had no control of. It hurts so much. It causes pain, suffering. But it also causes depression.

Pearl made it to the park where she'll meet her friends. Looking around she spotted a Blonde boy with a slight tan, and flexible body. Pearl skilled before running towards the boy with a cheeky grin.

"Luky!" She giggled out as the year older boy snapped at the nickname she gave him.

"Green eyes." Luke waved attached the Pearl who finally made it to him.

"Your still going to call me greeneyes." Pearl stared a Lukes with a smile.

"Why wouldn't I? It's the first name I called you when we met. I fill so dishonored." Lukes put a hand to his chest and sank to his knees. "Don't do this to me Green eyes." Pearl got a mischievous glint in her eyes as she sank to her knees as well.

Their Sin's ~Transformation~ PJONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ