The Awakening

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The Awakening

"Waah! It's Ichi!"

"So pretty!"

"So beautiful! I wish I was like her"

"Her ability is so amazing!"

"Her eyes are so cool"

Distant murmurs continued to flow in from the onlookers around the academy seeing the spectacular view of Rosencreuz's garden flourishing in an instant. It's been three years since Ichi has entered Rosencreuz. She has now become quite popular among the juniors in the academy. Aside from that she is also one of the top students along with Crawford.

"It's been three years since that day..." Ichi unwittingly murmured under her breath.

A memory of her sneaking a kiss at Crawford when he was asleep back then made her blush.

"Uwaaaah! Why am I remembering this suddenly at all time" Ichi started flailing her hands. In response to her unstable emotions, the rose garden nearby suddenly overflowed and as if with a mind of its own began to chase after the onlookers.

"Waaaahh!! Run away! The plants have gone wild!"

"What the-?"


The sounds of screams could be heard from around. Ichi coming back to her senses was surprised as well and began to panic.

(Oh no, even after all this time. I still can't control my power properly. Anyway I need to calm down....calm down...) Ichi desperately tried to calm herself down by taking deep breaths, but instead got even more anxious.

It was then a familiar firm hand had grasped Ichi and the soothing scent of lavender that came with it.


Ichi was then pulled around and was embraced by a kiss from Crawford. As if melting away in his arms, Ichi flailed helplessly. In the same moment the plants that have gone rampant have returned to their original position although the mess created from the overflowing amount of plants still linger.

Crawford still holding Ichi in his arms sighed. "What am I ever going to do about you? I take my eyes of you for a moment and you go out of control again"

Still not realizing what happened (more like not wanting to accept they just kissed) Ichi pushed Crawford back and protested "W-w-what!? Whose fault do you think t-this is?"

"Well I only know one person here that's loved by plants" Crawford shrugged as he scratched the back of his hair.

"Urgghhh...Are you saying I can't control myself!? Just so you know, even if you didn't come I could've handled this all by myself!" Ichi puffed her cheeks as she stared at Crawford with her hands on her hips.

Flicking his spectacles Crawford smirked. "Yes, I'm sure you can"

"W-what was that!? Are you-" Ichi was stopped when she heard the sounds of whistling and cheering from around them. Shrinking down, she blushed.

Picking her up by the chin, Crawford looked Ichi in the eye" Am I what?"

As soon as Crawford did that, the sounds of firecrackers blowing up and constant cheering, continued to grow. It was then Crawford took Ichi's hand and knelt down on one leg.

Jolting in surprise Ichi tried to pull away. "C-craw! W-what are you up to!? Everyone is looking!" Her eyes squinted due to embarrassment.

It was then one the other students came over and handed Craw a small box wrapped in a silk cover.

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