Back story

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'For as long as I can remember I have always been this way. I was never told why I had to deal with this horrible blood condition. It hurts and sometimes I wonder what had I done to deserve this. But then I remember what mother said before she had to leave me all alone "Don't let the sorrow you feel overcome you or the madness will win."And i don't want that. So I live by those words its the least I can do after all it's my fault that my family was literally torn to pieces. I remember getting so upset that I couldn't play outside the fence like my older brother Loki. But mother and father always said it wasn't safe for me outside the fence but shooed me away when I asked why. There are two monsters one likes to be called Raggy he talks to me from the left. He's ok and a lot nicer than Ragnarök when speaking at least. But both enjoy it immensely when I get hurt or do something wrong in their eyes because that's their excuse to beat on me like a punching bag. And pull on my hair and choke me and trip me and so on and so forth. Anyways one day I was feeling rather rebellious and decided to leave the little picket fence that surrounded the house. And about two seconds after I left I heard a rawr that could only come from a pack of horrifying, bloodthirsty monsters that have terrorized me in my dreams for the past six years. Next thing I knew my father grabbed me and ran me into the house and put me in a small room and yelled at me to stay there until it was safe and soon after my brother joined me. neither one of us knew what was happening. Ragnarök and Raggy appeared. "YOU IDIOT" Ragnarök said as they both knocked me upside the head. I fell to the ground and started to whimper. "Hey knock it off beating up Shylow isn't going to solve anything!" Loki said angrily Ragnarök was about to say something back but was interrupted by a sudden yelling down the hall. I couldn't make out what very well what was being said. It sounded like someone was looking for something no looking for someone. Loki then went to unlock the door "Wait Loki father said stay in here" Loki looked back at me with a serious face and said " I CAN'T JUST SIT HERE WHEN OUR PARENTS ARE OUT THERE TRYING TO FIX YOUR MISTAKE!!!!!! Just stay here and don't cause any more trouble." "No I'm coming with you! " Loki swung the door open and looked back at me and said "you've done enough Shy now just stay." He shut the door and slid the key underneath as I sat there shaking in the dark I heard Ragnaröks familiar voice "This is all your fault you know that right?" He said mockingly "Their going the die because of you." Raggy joined in tugging on my hair. "It's quiet now I wonder if it's safe to come out?" I said staring at the key then the door. "Well what are we waiting for let's get out of here it boring. "Raggy and Ragnarök said in unison. I slowly made my way down the hall and peeked around the corner I wish I hadn't. What I saw was my mother father and brother laying still in their own blood. Each missing limbs and hair. My brother was torn almost completely in half. And father was missing his right eye. I began cry and fighting the urge to vomit. Then I saw my mother start to move I moved closer to her "S-shylow?" She said as tires streamed down the sides of her face."P-please come c-closer so I can see you please I have to give you something. "I went as fast as I could and sat by her side "hold o-out y-y-your hand." She said shaking and crying. Then sat a necklace with a small flower charm in it. We both began to cry harder and harder "Shylow, listen to m-me very carefully... There are very bad people who want to hurt you for your blood and soul and the witch Macabre is the worst out of all of them. You must put the necklace on and never take it off especially if you leave the fence and you will have to sooner or later. Please just remember this" She reached up to wipe the tires from my cheek "Don't let the sorrow you feel overcome you or the madness will w-win." Then mothers eyes closed and a softly glowing orb rows from the now lifeless body 'Father told me about this the souls and to never ever take the blue ones because that's not allowed. And I would have to die.' Then I felt something slash on the top of my head and shoulders. I looked up and saw Ragnarök and Raggy crying... They looked down at me. And I must have looked confused because Ragnarök yelled "T-THEY WERE OUR FAMILY TO SHYLOW !!!!" "YAH BE A LITTLE MORE SENSITIVE SHY!!!!"Raggy said as he clipped the necklace around my neck.

It's been six years since that horrible experience I had to clean it up and Raggy Ragnarök and I tried our best to give our family a proper sending off but we had to do it by our selves.

I didn't think I'd make it this long. My parents collected books so there was plenty to read. I try not to leave the house I didn't go out side for at least two years because the seller was packed with food and drink.
And behind the house, there is an orchard full of healthy trees and fruit vines. But it is oh so boring living here with Ragnarök and Raggy. The only games we really know how to play hide and seek and tag. And those are kind of difficult to play when all the players are connected 😒

Wait I heard something it sounded like knocking coming from...outside. 😖

Shylow's sorrowful tale Of Why She's all Alone. A Soul Eater Story.Where stories live. Discover now