Unexpected visitors?

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I don't know what to do I'm starting to panic. I need to hide! The knocking is too loud I can't think perhaps I've gotten to use to the quiet! NO now is not the time to be thinking about stupid things like that. I can hear people softly speaking on the other side of the door. I got scared and ran to go hide but my foot got snagged by a loos floor bored and I fall to the ground as the door opened leaving me exposed and all alone. "Oh hello, are you ok?" A girl said as she walked into my home.
"Hey, Maka did you find something? "
I heard another voice call out for behind her.
"Actually I found someone. "
She said cheerfully.
"What do you mean you found some- oh hey."
A boy with spiked blue hair said as he entered.
He yelled.
"I-i um I " I started to hyperventilate when the girl stretched a hand out in front of me. "Let me help you up." Raggy and Ragnarök appeared Raggy slapped her hand away "WE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP YOU UGLY HAG!!!" The girl jumped back in fear and shock.
"Please stop yelling they might be nice people," I said hoping they would listen. "You don't know that Shylow. Remember last time people we didn't know came ... We lost everyone who mattered to us do you remember!?" Raggy said angrily. "Yes I remember...can you please leave? It's not safe for you here." I began to cry.
"OK can I at least introduce myself? " she said kindly. "Fine but hurry up. " Ragnarök said a little annoyed.

"Well my name is Maka Albarn and as you might already know the boy over there is Black star. Oh and these are our weapon partners Soul and Tsubaki. " Maka said as the two weapons they held transformed into people. "Sup" Said a boy with white hair "hello " said the girl standing behind him. "I umm we y-you what?" I began to chock on my words. "Hey its OK we aren't here to harm you. We're from the DWMA we were sent here to investigate some strange activity. Do you know anything about strange things happening near your house?" She asked me. I just stared at the floor hoping they would just leave. "Hey... she asked you a question. " " Black star stop can't you see she's scared... You don't get out much do you?" I nodded in response. "Crona's going to love this." The white haired boy said with a grin "Who?" Raggy, Ragnarök, and I said ." Well if you come with us you'll find out." Maka said happily. "NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!!!" Raggy screeched at them. "Raggy can we at least think about this? I mean mother did say we would have to leave eventually... maybe this is what she was talking about- " I was stopped mid-sentence by Ragnarök flicking me on the nose as if I were a dog. "You shut your trap Shylow!" "NO I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE IT'S BORING , DARK AND SCARY AND IF I STAY HERE MUCH LONGER I FEAR I'M GOING TO LOSE WHAT'S LEFT OF MY MIND!!! And you know what... Mother and father worked hard to get this charm so we could go out and do something. (I said pointing at the magic charm on my necklace. ) So please don't let it go to waste.😢" I looked around the room and everyone was completely silent. Quite surprised at my sudden rage. Ragnarök and Raggy looked at me with serious faces "Sigh... Fine but don't say we did warn you. 😒"
Raggy said very annoyed. "OK well Shylow, if you're coming we need to leave before it gets dark.😊" Maka said happily.

End of chapter 2 more coming very soon 😌.    Next chapter: At the DWMA... only three people knew that Shylow, Raggy, and Ragnarök existed?

#No birth records hahahah😅

Shylow's sorrowful tale Of Why She's all Alone. A Soul Eater Story.Where stories live. Discover now