stay or go it's my choice.

17 1 0

Lord death told me we shouldn't start classes until we learn what we can and cannot do fighting wise. We knew about the swords and that we could potentially cause a lot of damage especially when angry or sad. We learned this the day we lost our family. I didn't know I could yell that loud the room seemed to shake and my hair once completely brown was now two-toned pink and brown. I was confused at how that could happen. Now that I think about it could have been the volume and frequency at which I was screaming causing a chemical reaction with the melanin which determines how light or dark your hair and eyes are causing the melanin to lighten and give it a subtle pink appearance I think... or it could have been the stress I was feeling over morning for my family. Or both I try not to think about it too much makes my head hurt.
Now I'm walking down a hallway with Maka and Crona " you'll be staying in one of the overnight rooms Shylow. And just in case you need help with anything Crona is right across the hall from you OK? " Maka said. "Ok" I said calmly. We stopped in front of a big heavy door." This is it." Maka said as she swung the door open to reveal the dark cell. I stepped inside and looked around. Ragnarök and Raggy appeared to look as well. " cozy" Raggy said as he reached down to feel the bed. "Well we'll leave the three to settle in. Good night." Maka said as she walked away. Crona just gave a pitiful little goodbye wave and walked across the hall to his room. I promptly shut the door and sat down on the bed. "So Shy... What's the plan? Do you plan on staying?" Ragnarök asked as he rested his chin on the top of my head. "I don't know... Probably not I mean someone has to be at the house to take care of things. And I'm positive that we won't be safe out here for very long you know? I want to stretch my leg, see the place my parents lived and received an education before we came along, and I'm sure that by the time the week is over ill have it all out of my system and want to go home." I said as I pulled my back pack and guitar case onto the bed. I opened the guitar case to make sure the instrument wasn't damaged in any way. As I had hoped it was still in its perfect condition. My father loved the guitar. And in turn I loved it as well. He taught me everything he knew about it how to hold it all the way to how to write and play your own music. Every once and a while my father would go out into the world I don't know what for but he would always bring back thing to feed our little minds and talents. I smile as I think back on those happy family memories and all the love I felt. But heartache as I remember that they're gone💔. I sigh as I walk over to my bag and pulled out my pajamas and a dark blue blanket my mother had made for me. I changed, laid down and fell asleep a few moments later.

The end of this chapter
God this is. Sad.😢

Shylow's sorrowful tale Of Why She's all Alone. A Soul Eater Story.Where stories live. Discover now