Leave my only home.

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Believe me when I say I am very scared to leave. But what I said was true. I really do fear I will lose the rest of my mind if I stay here all alone much longer. I read in one of my parents books that extreme isolation isn't good for anyone. Father told me about death city and how it was huge but very far from here "A long walk through the woods and a desert away. " To be exact. *knock knock* "Shylow are you alright in there?" I heard Maka call out from the other side of my bedroom door. "Umm I'm fine I just need to grab some things...I'll be there in a sec." "OK just let me know if you need help," Maka said thoughtfully. I opened the door to my bedroom and walked out into the room where everyone was sitting waiting for me. "Are you ready to go Shylow? " Black star said as he opened the front door." Y-yes I'm as ready as I'll ever be. " he gave me a nod and I walked through the front door, down the steps on the front porch, ' Now just open the fence gate... come on Shylow just open it and step out!' I took a deep breath and braced myself for the same loud raws I had heard that awful awful day. I stepped out and was happy to hear  nothing out of the usual I smiled and placed a hand on the now glowing flower charm that was clearly keeping my soul hidden. Oh mother why didn't you give this to me sooner?  I couldn't tell if I was about to cry tears of joy or of frustration and sadness. Anyway I was out I looked back at the people behind me and smiled slightly Maka smiled back and walked forward motioned us to follow her. I was right about the trip being long but eventually we made it to death city. And made our way to a very large building. "Well Shylow this is the DWMA this is were we attend classes and practice our skills as weapons and misters. " Maka said cheerfully. "It's ... pretty " I said as I stared at the enormous building. "Now we'll have to introduce you the Lord death before we show you anything else OK? " she said with a smile. "Ok" "I contacted Lord death before we got here and he said to bring her to the death room as soon as we got back he's expecting us," Maka said to the others.
We enter a large room with nothing but a mirror and a coffee table on it.
Maka walked up to the mirror and began writing on it with her finger while saying "42 42 564 whenever you want to knock on death's door." I stepped back as the mirror started ringing and glowing Maka looked back at me "Shylow there's nothing to be afraid of. "I trusted Maka and took a deeeeppp breath as a figure emerged from the mirror. "Hiya, you must be Shylow oh it's sooo nice to finally meet you. How are you,how have you been,where have you been, how was the trip? And are you OK you're looking at me kinda strange. " Lord death said in one breath. I looked around for a moment struggling to find my voice. "Umm I'm OK I-i've been b-better of course Umm but but Umm in all the book I've read you were described as being bigger, meaner, and scarier.😯" he looked at me clearly puzzled "Oh well those must have been some very old book then I haven't been described as big, mean , and scary for hundreds of years... you see Shylow I had to change my appearance so wouldn't scare the children. " " Oh that's nice" I cringed at the sheer awkwardness of the conversation... "excuse me you wanted to see me Lord Death?" I heard a shy voice from across the room. I turned around and saw a boy with pink hair and black clothing. "Oh Crona perfect timing " Lord Death said happily. "Perfect timing for what? " "well Crona this is Shylow. She came a very long way to meet us here today. " said Lord Death. "And I'm Raggy!" "And I'm Ragnarök!" Ragnarök and Raggy said as they appeared. Crona jumped back and stared at the three of us with a face full of shock and worry. "Hey Shy is he OK he's looking at us like he's seen a ghost or  something. " Ragnarök said. "HEY THIS ISN'T FAIR! !!" We heard a small voice yell from behind Crona. Then what looked like a smaller version of Raggy and Ragnarök emerged from Crona. "HOW COME YOU GET TO STAY ALL BIG AND MUSCLY AND I'M STUCK IN THIS TINNIE BODY!!!!!!!!" Screeched the tiny creature. Then both Raggy and Ragnarök broke out into laughter. Laughter that I never thought I'd hear from them again. But I had to put a stop to it be for anymore feelings got hurt. "Both of you stop right now!" I said being a serious as I possibly could. "Why should we?" They said in unison. "Well there might be a possibility that you two can be reduced to the same tinny state so I suggest you check yourselves. " I said in a stern tone. The room went dead silent once again. "I'm so so sorry they don't usually act like that. Well then again they've only ever been around the same amount of people I have and that is a very small number. " I said very quickly and very nervously. "Umm it's OK you didn't do anything wrong! Let's just start over. I'm Crona Gorgon, Black Blooded , Demon Swordsman. " "Umm I'm Shylow Melancholy, Black Blooded, Demon Swordsman.

End of chapter 3 I don't think this is some of my best work but I do plan on editing a lot in my spare time. Well, see you next chapter.

Shylow's sorrowful tale Of Why She's all Alone. A Soul Eater Story.Where stories live. Discover now