Chapter 1

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I crouched in the shadows of the building, waiting for the signal from my brother. As usual, we were making mischief. Well, my brother and I were known for that. I saw the flash of blue from behind a building across from me and a frost giant appeared. That was my cue. I jumped out of my hiding spot and shouted, "Frost giant!" at the top of my lungs. The people around me scattered, running in the opposite direction of the monster, only to get stopped by several more frost giants that had appeared. People tripped over themselves, trying to get away while I doubled over in laughter. If only the people looked closely they could see the nearly invisible flicker running down the creatures bodies, revealing that they were not real. They were only illusions, created by my older brother, Loki. While no one was paying attention to me, I ran over to where he was hiding. He was laughing hysterically as I was, "Nice job, Verena! We fooled them this time." He clapped me on the shoulder. "Thanks, now let's get out of here!" We ran to our horses, mounted, and took off. In no time, we reached the stables by the palace where we put each of our horses in their stalls. We were still laughing when we entered the palace. The booming voice of our father rang out. "LOKI! VERENA!" Uh-oh, he knew. He came round the corner and stopped in front of us, looking cross. "I do not want you to terrorizing the people anymore! How many times do I have to tell you that?" I hid my smile and answered, "We're sorry father, we won't do it again." "Good." Odin gave us a nod, then turned and walked away. Loki and I burst out laughing again, but quickly stopped for fear of father hearing us. "Ah pulling pranks never gets old." Loki said taking a deep breath. I nodded, "Too bad Thor wasn't able to join us on this one." "He's busy preparing himself for his coronation, I don't understand why he's celebrating now, he isn't even king yet." Loki mused and I nudged him with my shoulder. "You'd probably do the same thing." Loki shook his head, "No I wouldn't, if I was the one getting crowning king in a few days I'd be studying the laws." I rolled my eyes, "Thor wouldn't be caught dead doing that, and speaking of studying, I have to go do that myself." I said. "Alright, happy studying." Loki gave me a smile, then we headed in opposite directions.

A/N: Sorry that first part is so short! Hope you like it so far!

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