Chapter 6

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Everyone filed out of the hall while Odin left, heading towards the weapons vault. Loki took his place on our fathers left while Thor was on his right and I followed behind in between them. The doors opened when we approached. We walked forwards, and I noticed the bodies of both Frostgiants and Enheijar. I knelt next to one of our guards, feeling for a pulse. There wasn't one. Our father was standing by the casket, which was once the Jotuns weapon. I'm assuming that they came for that. "The Jotuns will pay for what they've done." Thor said angrily. Odin replied, "They already paid with their lives. The destroyer has done its work and all is well." "All is well? They broke into the weapons vault. If they had stolen even one of these relics..." "They didn't." "Well I want to know why!" "I have a truce with Laufey." "He just broke your truce!" Odin turned around, facing Thor as his son continued, "They know you are vulnerable." "What do you propose?" "March into Jotunheim like you once did. Break their spirits and make them never dare cross our borders again." They continued to go back and forth. Loki and I exchanged a look as we stood there silently. I jumped when Father yelled, "But you're not king!" Silencing Thor. "Not yet." And with that, he walked away. Thor stormed out angrily after him. "I'm not liking this." I said. "Me neither." Loki agreed. "I should go talk to Thor before he does something  stupid." I added, starting to walk away, not waiting for Loki to follow. I found my elder brother stomping towards the dining hall. His formal wear was gone and he was dressed casual. I jogged to catch up with him. "Are you ok?" I asked when I reached him. He didn't answer, but kept walking. "Hey, look at me." I said, placing my hand on his arm, and pulling. He stopped and looked at me, "I'm fine." He said before brushing past. I followed him into the dining hall. He hesitated when he reached the table, but then flipped it, yelling in outrage as he did so. I took a step back. Sometimes I forgot how strong Thor was. This shouldn't surprise me though, cause I was way too strong for my size as well. Thor sat down on the steps to the side and I nearly jumped when Loki appeared from behind a pillar. I never would get used to the way he would appear out of nowhere. But now, I realized I should be able to do that too. Since I apparently had Loki's powers too,  I couldn't wait to try them out. "It is unwise to be in my company right now, brother." Thor warned as Loki sat next to him. "You never said that to Verena." Loki commented, but Thor ignored this. "This was to be my day of triumph." He said instead of replying to Loki's comment. "It'll come." At that moment, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif entered the hall, staring at the flipped table before them. Loki lowered his voice and continued as I sat on the other side of Thor. "If its any consolation, I think your right. About the frostgiants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate our defences, who's to say they won't do it again." "Precisely!" Thor said a little louder and Loki added, "There's nothing you can do without defying father." Thor's face took on a determined look as he stood. Loki noticed this too and at the same time I said, "You cannot be serious!" He said, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I know that look." "It's the only way to insure the safety Asgard." Thor insisted. "Thor, it's  madness." Loki said and Voltstag spoke up from the other side of the room, "Madness? What sort of madness?" Thor turned towards them, "We're going to Jotunheim." I face palmed. "This isn't like some journey to earth where you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals worship you like a god! This is Jotunheim!" Fandral tried to reason, but Thor wasn't buying it. "My friends, do you not remember what we've been through together?" I looked up at Loki who had come to stand beside me, but I couldn't read his expression. After Thor was done rambling about his accomplishments with everyone he came over to us, "We're going to Jotunheim." He announced. His friends now without objection, headed out to get ready. Loki and Thor walked to do so as well, but when I followed, both of them turned to me. "You can't come, Verena." Loki said and I gawked. "Seriously? So all you guys can go risk your lives but I can't?" I exclaimed and Thor nodded, "Yes." I looked between him and Loki. Neither of them were gonna change their minds. "Fine." I pushed my way between them, storming off to my room.

A/N: Finally! A part that's more than 300 words 😂 Hope y'all are enjoying this so far!

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