Chapter 7

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My brothers were satisfied, knowing that I was gonna be safe by staying behind. They really were clueless. Like I was going to let them go to Jotunheim without me. They wish. In my room, I changed into my armor. It was light and simple. It should protect me enough and keep me warm. I strapped on my sword that could turn into any weapon I wanted at will. I looked both ways down the hall, then hurried out of the palace. I entered the stables to see Thor, Loki, and the others mounting. I ducked into an empty stall, deciding to let them go ahead. It would be harder for them to convince me to go back when we were at the Bifrost. I saddled my steed and mounted, making sure they were far enough ahead of me before I spurred my horse into a run. They didn't notice me until we arrived at the Bifrost and after they convinced Heimdall to open the bridge for them. Right as Heimdall inserted his sword in the slot in the middle, I darted inside. Thor saw me first and his face twisted, "What did I say?" "Did you really think I was gonna let you leave me behind?" I asked. "It's too dangerous!" Thor objected. "I can handle myself! I have Loki's powers now! Along with my strength and fighting skills! Don't forget that I can also fly!" I argued and Thor looked to Loki, asking, "Is this true?" "It is, but she hasn't had much practice with her new abilities." Loki replied, somewhat helping my argument. Thor sighed, "You can come," he said, looking deep into my eyes, "But you stick with either me or Loki at all times, got it?" I nodded, smiling at him and he smiled back. My brothers might be polar opposites, but they had one thing in common. They were both extremely protective of me. The Bifrost carried us away and in no time, we were standing in Jotunheim. I shuddered as the cold hit me. I stared at the barren wasteland as we made our way towards the city. Soon, we were standing in front of a building. "Who dares enter my domain?" A gravely voice demanded. "I am Thor Odinson." My oldest brother said. "We know who you are." "How did you people enter Asgard?" A pause, then the voice replied. "The house of Odin, is full of traitors." What was this guy saying? My head swam with doubts at his words. Thor angrily yelled, "Do not dishonor my fathers name with your lies!" "Your father is a murderer and a thief. You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man." The one speaking had stood, revealing himself. I recognized him from story books. This was Laufey, King of Jotunheim. As soon as he had finished speaking, Jotuns appeared on all sides, but seemed to be keeping their distance. I tensed up, preparing for the worst. Loki grasped my hand and gently pulled me towards him. "This doesn't have to end in a fight." Thor said and Laufey replied, "You long for battle, you crave it. Leave now, while I still allow it." Thor didn't move, causing Loki to stand next to him. "Thor, look around you. We are outnumbered." Loki tried to reason with him but Thor spun on him, "Know your place brother!" Loki flinched at this, and I winced at Thor's tone as well. A huge Jotun approached, towering over us. I clung to Loki's hand, hoping that the thing wasn't gonna attack us. "We will accept your most gracious offer." Loki said, turning to walk away. "Come on brother." He said. "Thor, please." I said, holding his free hand, trying to pull him along. He looked down at me, his eyes softening a bit. Then he huffed, turning to follow me. "Run home, little princess." The Jotun said and I groaned. This wasn't going to end well.

A/N: In case any of you were wondering, Verena is 12 years old. I know that seems a little young, but you'll understand why she's that age eventually. 😉

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