Chapter 10

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I didn't realize how much time had passed since I had arrived here. The sun had already risen high in the sky by the time we returned to the hospital. I followed the trio down the white halls of the hospital. They entered a room, but the bed was empty. Typical. I should've known that Thor wouldn't stay put. "Do you have any idea where he could be?" Jane asked me. I clutched the pendant my brothers had made for me. Thor still had his amulet on, and I was able to sense his presence. "He's close, but I don't know where." I answered. We went back to the van. "I just lost my most valuable piece of evidence, typical." Jane exclaimed. "You still have the girl." Eric pointed out and I snorted, "The girl has a name." I said. "Yeah, we know. And we're still gonna find him." Jane said, referring to Thor. "Did you see what he did in there? I don't think finding him is such a good idea." "Well our data can't tell us what it was like inside the event and he can. With his and Verena's story, I should be able to figure this out." Jane said and began to back up. A loud thud sounded from behind the van. I jumped out of the van before the others did and saw Thor lying flat on his back. He must've been hit by the vehicle. Seriously, how many hits was he gonna have to take? "I swear I'm not doing this on purpose." Jane commented almost as if it was in response to my thoughts. For the second time, we loaded Thor into the van. We went to the same building as before and Thor was put into a bed. I sat in a chair next to him, waiting for him to wake up while the Midgardians busied themselves with odd instruments. I have no idea how long I waited until Thor stirred. He opened his eyes, and immediately saw me. "Verena, where am I? Why are you dressed so funny?" He asked and I smiled. "You're on Midgard. We both are, and I couldn't just go walking around in my battle attire could I?" "Midgard, you say?" "Yeah." "Why aren't you back in Asgard? Did father banish you too?" Thor pushed and I shook my head. "No, he didn't. I followed you." "Why would you do that? This is supposed to be my punishment, not yours." Thor said, agitated. "I understand that, but I wasn't about to let you go. I mean, who knows how long you'll be here for. I figured you could use the support." I replied and he sighed, standing. Thor hugged me, "How did I come to have such a caring younger sister?" "You better remember that statement for later." I said, hugging him back. I left the room to allow him to change. "Is he awake?" Eric asked me when I appeared. "Yes. He's just changing really quick." In a few minutes, Thor stepped out of the room in a pair of jeans. He held a shirt in his hand, but didn't put it on right away. He picked up something off a table, but Jane quickly went over and snatched it from his hand. "What is this?" Thor asked, referring to something on the shirt. "Oh! That is my ex. Good with patience but bad with relationships. Uh...those are the only clothes I had that would fit you." Jane answered. "They will suffice." Thor said, walking to me. I nudged him, silently telling him to be nice and to put the shirt on. It may be normal in Asgard for him not to have one on, but Midgard was different. "This mortal form has grown weak, I need substance." Thor put the shirt on. I rolled my eyes at his speech. I was starting to get used to the way that Midgardians spoke, but he obviously wasn't and I'm sure he sounded strange to the others. We got in the van once again and I sat next to Thor in the back. We stopped in front of a different building that had a sweet aroma coming from inside. We were seated at a table and soon, plates full of food were placed in front of us. Thor dug in, while I ate a bit more slowly. "How'd you guys get inside that cloud?" Jane asked us and Darcy asked, "And how can you eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry?" I didn't answer either of these questions, thinking it wise to let Thor answer them from now on. Since he was older and wiser than me, even if he was a little too brash. He finished the rest of his drink, "This drink, I like it. Another!" He yelled, and then smashed it on the ground. I face palmed. I observed earlier when someone here wanted something they asked for it, didn't demand it and smash stuff. "What was that?" Jane asked. "It was delicious, I want another." Thor replied simply. "Well you could've just said so." Jane shot back. "I just did." "Ok, just no more smashing." "You have my word." Thor said. Aside I told Jane, "Please excuse my brother, he hasn't done his research on this world like I have." "I'm finding it hard to believe that you two are siblings. You two are so different." Jane told me. I shrugged, "I've been told that I favor my other brother more." She was about to ask me what I meant, but she got distracted. Two men had entered the building and were talking about a satellite crash. "Excuse me did you say it was a satellite crash?" Jane asked the two. "Well I don't know much about satellites, but it was heavy. I mean, no one could lift it." One of the men answered. I pondered this, and I searched my memories. I could've sworn last night I saw something streak from the sky. Only now did it dawn on me what it was. Thor must've come to the same conclusion for he stood, asking the man, "Which way?" "Uh, twenty miles west from here." The man told Thor and without another word, Thor walked out of the building. I ran to catch up, the others following me. "Do you really think it's your hammer?" I asked Thor when I reached him. "What else could it be?" He inquired and I didn't have an answer. "Where are you going?" Jane called. "To get what belongs to me." Thor said. "Well the government seems to think it's theirs so, you're just gonna walk in there and take it?" "Yes. If you take us there, I will tell you everything you wish to know." "Everything?" "Yes. All the information you seek will be yours once I have Mjolnir." Thor promised her and I was confused. Was he really gonna hand over the secrets of our world just like that? Eric had pulled Jane aside and they were now talking quickly. Jane's face fell as she came back to us. "I'm sorry, but I can't take you." "Then this is where we say goodbye." Thor said, lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. Jane's face turned slightly red and she giggled quietly. Thor bowed to them all and I did the same. Once they walked away, I turned to Thor. "So, how do you plan on getting twenty miles west of here?"

A/N: AHHHHHH!!!! 1253 words! Lol sorry guys, I get excited. 😂 Thank you for still reading this far in the story! Don't worry, there will more eventful stuff coming along.

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