Chapter 14

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Thor and Jane were already gone by the time I awoke. I must've slept longer than I thought. I glided down to the ground and entered the building to find Thor and Jane making breakfast while Darcy and Eric sat at a table. I helped my brother and Jane prepare the rest of the meal. After eating and cleaning up, Jane presented Eric with her theory about the Nine Realms. Thor must've taught her last night. "Its a brilliant theory Jane, but you can't convince the scientific community. Not without hard evidence." Eric told her and as if on cue, a pounding came from the doors behind us. "Found you!" I whipped my head around and couldn't believe my eyes. The Warriors Three and Sif stood on the other side in full battle armor. They opened the door and Thor and I rushed to them. "My friends!" Thor cried joyfully and we all exchanged hugs. "We are grateful to see you, but you should not have come." He said. Fandral smiled at him, "We're here to take you both home." "Verena can go, but you know that I cannot." Thor paused, almost choking on the words, "My father, is dead because of me." I took his hand, tears threatening to fall once more. Nothing could've prepared me for Sif's next words. "Thor, you're father still    lives." My grip on Thor's hand tightened almost subconsciously. My dad is alive! But... "So that means.." I started and Thor finished for me. "Loki lied to us." I bit my lip, refusing to believe it. It couldn't be true. How could he lie to us? He was our brother! Even as I listened to the others tell us what transpired what happened while we were gone, my heart seemed to fall within my chest. The floor suddenly rocked underneath our feet. We all turned to see a swirl of darkness in the desert. The Bifrost had been activated. We exited the building, and watched. "Is somebody else coming?" Darcy asked and no one answered her. I squinted my eyes and saw the Destroyer in the distance. Loki must've sent it after the others! "You have to leave." Thor said to Jane, who immediately asked, "Wait why?" Fandral perked up, "Thor and Verena are gonna fight with us!" "I am just a man. I can lead you and get one of you injured or worse killed, but I can help get these people to safety." Thor said. "Well if you're staying so am I." Jane stated firmly. "We're gonna need some time." Thor told the others. "You'll have it." I said, and started to follow my friends. "Verena..." Thor started but I held up a hand. "I can do this, Thor. Besides, since Loki can see through the Destroyers eyes maybe I can convince him to stop." "Please, don't do anything reckless." "I can't promise you that." I smiled sadly at my brother, then turned and ran to face the approaching danger. "Keep it distracted." Sif ordered then ran off. Easier said than done. Fandral and Hogun launched Voltstag in the air towards the Destroyer, but it just smacked him to the side. I watched as Sif jumped off a building, then stabbed her spear through it. She smirked in victory as the fire within it dimmed. But then, it was on again! Turning towards Sif and blasting the air just as she dodged. "Fall back!" She yelled. We ran back but the Destroyer blasted the ground behind us, sending us all flying while she was able to dodge. I flew through the window of the diner and hit the counter. The Warriors Three stirred around me, but as soon as they started to regain their feet, we were blasted again. I jumped to the side out of the building, narrowly escaping my demise. I laid on my back, my face twisted in pain. Thor was suddenly above me, helping me stand. "You must return to Asgard. We must stop Loki." He told the Warriors Three. "What about you two?" Hogun asked. "Don't worry my friends, I have a plan." Thor gave them a reassuring smile before they started to walk away.  I trailed Thor as he ran over to where Sif was, saying a few quick words to her before making her go with the others. "So what's this plan of yours?" I asked him. "One that doesn't include you." He answered, his eyes set on the Destroyer. It dawned on me what he was going to do. "Thor, you can't!" I cried. "I have to, sis." He said, taking my face in his hands. "I started this, now I must end it." He pressed his forehead against mine. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying that he would survive this as he walked away from me. I stood, frozen in place, staring as my mortal brother calmly walked to his death. "Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you or cause you to do this. I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent, taking their lives will gain you nothing." Thor was now standing right in front of the Destroy, with it towering over him and preparing to strike. "So take mine, and end this." Thor said. I held my breath, then let it out when the fire disappeared from the Destroyers eyes. It was alright. Everything was ok. The Destroyer turned, then spun, striking Thor across the face and sending him flying. I heard the sickening crack of bone and the ripping of flesh when he was struck. "No!" I shouted. I found myself sapped of all my strength and I crumpled to my knees. Jane had ran over to where Thor had landed. "It's over." "No it's not
over." "I mean, you're safe." "We're safe." Jane was holding Thor's face in her hands. "It's over..." Thor gasped, then the breath of life left his body. "No...." I whispered in anguish. Then I curled over myself, screaming into the ground. One brother had betrayed me, and now the other was dead. Tears streamed down my face, soaking into the sand. All was lost. There was no way I could stop Loki. Not without Thor. I couldn't do it. I looked up when I heard a whistling noise. I saw something rocketing through the sky towards us. Eric dragged Jane away from Thor's body when he realized it was coming at them. Right as the object was about to impact, Thor's hand shot up and caught the object. Lightning streaked down from the sky, enveloping his body, which was now in a standing position. I almost had to shield my eyes against the bright light. A storm formed and Thor shot up into the sky, wielding his mighty hammer once again. I almost cheered in joy. He was alive! Thor streaked down, striking the Destroyer and there was an even brighter flash. The storm died down and dust swirled, Thor striding away from the destruction in full godly glory. I scrambled to my feet and almost tackled him in a hug. "You always had a dramatic flare." I said and he chuckled. "Told you I had a plan." He pulled away, briefly staring into my eyes, then turning to the others. "So this is what you normally look like?" Jane asked. "More or less." "It's a good look." She said, nodded. I heard a car door slam and the man in the suit from before stepped towards us. I think I remember his name being Phil Coulson "Donald. I don't think you've been completely honest with me." "Know this, Son of Cole. From this day forth you may count me and Verena as your allies return the items you've taken from Jane." "Stolen!" Jane interjected. "Borrowed." Coleson corrected, then said. "Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research." I grinned. Jane had done so much for us over the past few days. She deserved to get something out of the deal. "Do you wanna see that bridge I told you about?" Thor offered and Jane agreed. He pulled her too his side, flying into the air.

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