Chapter 3: The Roomate

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Shelby's POV:

I step into my apartment and Will follows me in. I shut the door and wait. I don't know what I'm waiting for, but I wait.

"Shelby! Is that a boyfriend! OMG! Shelby good for you!" Gizzy exclaims.

He sits on the couch. His friend sits next to him and he has a movie playing.

"Gizzy! No! This is my friend Will. He's going to be staying on my floor because his hotel kicked him out." I say sour that Gizzy would assume such a thing.

"Alright, if you say so. Have fun in there you two." Gizzy says with a laugh.

I grab Will's arm and pull him to my room, without realizing I'd done so. I release his arm as soon as I step through my door.

"So where am I supposed to set up camp?" Will asks.

"Anywhere is fine. Just pick a spot." I reply.

"Great! I'll take the bed." Will says as a smirk appears on his face.

"Hah! In your dreams. I have dibs on the bed, and I don't plan on sharing." I say a giggle erupting from me.

"Come on! You wouldn't share with me! I know that if I had the bed in this scenario, I would share with you in a heartbeat." Will says a smile now on his face.

"Well I thank you for that. You see the issue is I'm the one with a bed in the situation." I say while playing his words over and over in my head.

Will laughs. He swiftly walks over and sits on my bed. Without thinking, I join him.

"It's around noon. Do you want to go get some lunch?" Will says looking into my eyes.

I just nod. We both walk out my door and head to lunch.

We go get sandwiches. Then, head to a park and sit on a hill to eat them.

Will's POV:

Shelby and I sit on a hill. We're silent while we're eating our sandwiches. L.A is really beautiful, but it's even more beautiful when you're sitting next to Shelby.

Did I really just think that? I did. Honestly, I think I like Shelby. Wait no, I know I like Shelby.

Me being me, I do something without planning.

I reach out and put my hand on Shelby's. She doesn't move. She only pauses for a second then continues to eat.

After the park we go shopping. Shelby picks out a new outfit for me, and we both get souvenirs to remember all of this. The whole day was filled with laughter and smiles. I adore her laugh and every time I hear it I can't help but grin.

We return to Shelby's apartment and we start to turn it for the night......

Authors Note: Here's another chapter. If you could leave a comment saying how you're liking the story so far please do. Sorry for no update yesterday.

Bye, <3

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