Chapter 8: Protection?

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Shelby's POV:

I wake up and immediately turn over so I could be face to face with Will. But when I turn, he's not there. No need to fret. He's probably just in the kitchen or living room.

I get up and start to wander the house calling Will's name aloud. He doesn't answer. There's no answer. I start to panic and search the house for answers.

All his luggage is still here. His phone is gone. My phone is gone. WAIT! MY PHONE IS GONE. I start to panic. Landline, landline, landline, is all that goes through my head as I scramble over to the house phone. I dial the only person who I think could help.

"Hello?" The voice seems oddly confused as to why they're receiving a call.

"Listen. I had someone staying with me. Last night we may have kissed. Now he's gone. His phone is gone and mine too, but all his luggage is here. COME OVER NOW!" I'm starting to calm some since I'm aware that help is coming.

"I'm already out of the door." The response is short. I say goodbye and start to investigate more.

I hear a knock at the door and look through the peep hole. Perfect! Help is here. I'm still a little shaken, but I've calmed down a tad bit.

I open the door and in steps............

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and for not updating the book frequently. I'm going to attempt at updating the story often, but there may be obstacles along the way.

Q: Is anyone peeved about Will flirting with Bee on Twitter? I mean he's smooth and all, but SHELBYYYYY.

A: Yeah I'm peeved.

ANYWAYS, I'll update the story within a couple of days.

Bye <3

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