Experiment 11

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note: these characters are ones that have been with me for nearly.. uh... five years now? If not more? They've undergone several, if not dozens and dozens on end revisions, including being in a fanfiction and then me deciding that they're going to have their own original story. 



Name: Experiment 11 (real name, Rixen Yato)
Nickname/s: 11
Preferred name: Zygrado 
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: December 5th


Hair: Silver, unkempt and falls down to his back
Eyes: blue-green, with flecks of red and amber
Height: 5'11"
Scar/s, Tattoo/s, Piercing/s: Scar from an infected needle. It's located on the square of his shoulder on his back, and they had to cut into the skin to remove it- the flesh never healed. This doesn't really count as a tattoo, but he has a bar code branded onto his skin across the curve of his neck that reads '111205'.
Clothing: Experiment 11 is dressed in the same clothes that every other experiment is- a loose grey cotton shirt that hangs on his frame and whose's sleeves come down to his elbows. The shirt has a breast pocket, which Experiment 11 keeps a picture of him and his brother in. In addition to the shirt, he gets black shorts that come down to his knees, with no socks or shoes. 
Accessories: n/a

PERSONALITY;; (to be added to)

Out of all of the experiments, Experiment 11 and his brother, Experiment 12, are known to be the ones with 'feelings'. Reactions. Opinions. Experiment 11 is the 'nice' one out of the two. Many of the staff members describe him as charismatic even though he goes to things with his own flow. Out of all the experiments, he is, by far, one of the most notable in terms of personality. Experiment 11 is the most friendly out of all of them, even though he can be a little slow-witted sometimes. He's referred to as the rock of the place more often then not with his dependable mannerisms. 


History: When he was young, Experiment 11 was gifted to the association for helping them- turns out that they intended to use things like drugs and mind simulations through injections on them. It was only up until when he was three that his father, a worker of the association (H.C.A), died, and the dangers of HCA were revealed. By now, however, Experiment 11's younger brother, Experiment 12, was also placed into the building- with no way of contacting anyone from the outside. Experiment 11 doesn't remember where he got the bar code tattoo from. 
Family: Experiment 12 (younger brother, alive), Rixen Ashita (mother, alive), Rixen Jaxson (real name, Terran) (father, deceased)
Pets: n/a
Occupation: n/a (unless being an experiment counts?)


- When requested, Experiment 11 was the one to cut off all of Experiment 12's hair with a shattered piece of the mirror, thus giving the brothers a way to put themselves apart aside from Experiment 12's eyes. 
- Experiment 11's picture of him and his brother are from days that he doesn't remember- it was him when he was younger next to a woman with a child, but the name on the back (Experiment 11, Experiment 12, and their mother) told him who it was.
- Experiment 11 is the main 'tester' of the hallucination memory gas. That being said, his brain functions have failed four times, and he's supposed to die young due to it. 
- The brothers share a cell together, and they chose each other's preferred names. 

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