Kenan Morgensten

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Name: Kenan Morgensten
Nickname/s: n/a
Preferred name: Kenan
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: October 23rd


Hair: Black, shaggy and falls just above his shoulders
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Scar/s, Tattoo/s, Piercing/s: n/a
Clothing: Varies. Kenan doesn't have the choice to be picky, seeing how it's rare that he even gets the chance to have new clothes or choose his outfit. He's a very clean and nit-picky person about his appearance, and his clothing changes depending on what he has to do. The most common thing he wears is a black t-shirt with black pants.
Accessories: he wears indigo's boots, gloves, and a cloak from time to time.


Kenan is sharp, blunt, forward, cynical, and rather forceful. He has many ideas for how society should be, and pushes his ideas on others. If you dare call his ideas or plans stupid or fruitless, chances are that he'll become passive-aggressive is high. He thinks himself to be superior towards others and practically a god meant to show how society should be run. Due to having strong convinctions of what is wrong, and what is right, Kenan is rather judgmental and believes that he will always be right. Self-centered, calm, and an intellectual, he believes that his plans are flawless and perfect.


History: Kenan was raised in the City, like everyone else. His mother died during Kenan's childbirth, and Kenan has an older brother by the name of Jayden. He went to school, got registered, followed all the laws, although he was uncomfortable with the idea that the drones were watching him. When he was eight, his father, Dyland, got married to Savannah, and both Jayden and Kenan took light to Savannah. She was much better than their actual mother. However, when Kenan was fourteen, the drones took away Jayden and Savannah, accusing them of planning murder against Kenan himself. His father dropped into a state of depression and sometimes forgot that his younger son existed. By eighteen, Kenan stopped registering, and started to despise how the government worked, trying to find a flaw in their system and intent on bringing them down.
Family: Dyland Morgensten (father, alive), Jayden Morgensten (older brother, unknown), Caryis Morgensten (mother, deceased), Savannah Princa-Morgensten (step-mother, unnknown)
Pets: n/a
Occupation: n/a (drone hunter, escapee, criminal)


- He is ESTJ-A, the executive. 

- Kenan met Indigo when she was on the run, and in exchange for having food, a place to sleep, clothes, and general technology, he promised to take down the government. It's a mutual compromise rather than a friendship.
- Kenan's unafraid to do things that are morally wrong to complete his plan, such as shoot a citizen.

- Seeing how he's been unregistered for four years in the current book, none of the drones would recognize Kenan's face on camera or his DNA, as they're updated with the current registerations. 

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