Experiment 12

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Name: Experiment 12 (real name, Rixen Hinata)
Nickname/s: 12
Preferred name: Zyicho
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: October 24th


Hair: Silver, cut at his neck
Eyes: previously blue-green, mysteriously turned amber in an experiment
Height: 5'9"
Scar/s, Tattoo/s, Piercing/s: This doesn't really count as a tattoo, but he has a bar code branded onto his skin across the curve of his neck that reads '121024'.
Clothing: Experiment 12 is dressed in the same clothes that every other experiment is- a loose grey cotton shirt that hangs on his frame and whose's sleeves come down to his elbows. The shirt has a breast pocket, but he doesn't care anything in it except when he's in his cell, to which he carries his dead father's moleskin notebook in. In addition to the shirt, he gets black shorts that come down to his knees, with no socks or shoes.
Accessories: n/a

PERSONALITY;; (to be added to)

While Experiment 11, his brother, is polite and alluring, Experiment 12 is the opposite. Out of the two of them, he's the one that resounds with hate and rage, with violence and lashing out. Experiment 12 is said to have a sharp tongue if you manage to get his attention, which is almost and near impossible. The only person he really speaks to is his brother and when he hurls insults at staff members. Several times, he's been switched cell guards after mocking and driving them to their breaking point, and he doesn't seem to find any problem in doing just that.


History: Almost immediately upon birth, Experiment 12 was placed in the HCA building. He doesn't remember anything about his birth mother or father. 
Family: Experiment 11 (older brother, alive), Rixen Ashita (mother, alive), Rixen Jaxson (real name, Terran) (father, deceased)
Pets: n/a
Occupation: n/a (unless being an experiment counts?)


- His hair cuts choppily at the name of his neck. His brother cut it off for him.
- In comparison to Experiment 11, who is used for the hallucination gas, Experiment 12 is used for fear simulations because it's noted that he is the most reactive in terms of emotion out of the two brothers. That being said, Experiment 12 flinches  almost every time he sees / hears / notices something similar to the things he sees in the fear simulation, such as water dripping from the ceiling. 
- He has a notebook from his father that he found, which he keeps on him. 

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