Indigo Vaberville

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Name: Indigo Vaberville 
Nickname/s: n/a
Preferred name: Indigo
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: November 18th


Hair: Dark brown, has a bandana
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Scar/s, Tattoo/s, Piercing/s: n/a
Clothing: Like Kenan, Indigo doesn't have the ability to be picky. Having lived in the City's prison prior to running away, she usually wears just grey clothing. Most of it is from the prison area, which is why her warobe consists of white, black, and grey, but she's gotten some clothing from Miana, which adds a bit of variety to her clothing. Most of the time, she's donning a jacket over whatever she's wearing.
Accessories: She's almost always with a satchel- it usually has cigarettes or a lighter in it.


Indigo, where Kenan is calm and thoughtful, is unafraid, bold, and forward. She's sharp and blunt, unwilling to shut her mouth just for the comfort of someone. She has a bite, which varies from an insult to a teasing remark.  Due to her nature, Indigo has no filter,  and she gets entertainment from seeing people squirm from her teasing. And due to the blandness of the world around her, she tries to make fun  of multiple things. She's learned how to survive, and approaches life with a very casual viewpoint due to how much she's been through, and sometimes comes off as careless.


History: Indigo, being a mistake her parents didn't want, was tossed out onto the streets. Her birth family reconsidered their actions, thinking that they shouldn't throw out their daughter in the streets. They took her back in, then sold her to another family. Indigo, being four, only expected the best of the new family- which was a lie. They abused her. They were a family that sold  previous children off- that's how they got money. She was beat down every time she spoke up when a possible family was over. In all, she ran away when she was eleven, and retreated to Murphy's place- who's family took her in. When she was sixteen, Indigo got involved with a bunch of drugs and cigarettes- she got addicted. At age eighteen, she was put in jail, but she escaped when she was twenty-one to the mountains, where she met Kenan.
Family: Christine Vaberville (birth mother, alive), Joe Vaberville (birth father, alive), Gerald Whitney (adoptive father, alive), Reese Whitney (adoptive mother, alive)
Pets: n/a
Occupation: n/a ( escapee, criminal)


- Indigo met Kenan when she was on the run, and in exchange for having food, a place to sleep, clothes, and general technology, he promised to take down the government. It's a mutual compromise rather than a friendship.

- She met Murphy when she went to school from her adoptive family- it was required, which was the only reason to why she went. She met him when she was six.

- While she only knows basic / elementary reading, writing, and math, Indigo has learnt herself and tutored herself. She's quite smart, most it's mostly street smarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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