Chapter 2: First Words

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I closed my eyes for a second, and thought. Maybe I should write an apology? Trying to become clean is something very hard to do, I know that fact. Do I even know it's self-harm? I've been assuming this whole time.

I was about to grab a pen, but before I could, I felt a tickle against my skin.

Words were writing themselves on my arm.


Oh shit a rEPLY!!!

My heart was racing. I looked down at my forearm, and saw something written in red ink.

/well wtf do u want me 2 do?/

The texting lingo is strong here, I thought to myself.

/I'd appreciate it if you would at least try to attempt to stop hurting yourself? It hurts me too sweetie ;)/

/wait what?/

/whenever you hurt yourself or something happens to you, IT HURTS ME TOO./

/that's weird I never knew that/

So they're telling me, this entire time they never thought that I could be feeling all this pain? I tried so hard in life to not injure myself so that my soulmate wouldn't get hurt, and they never knew, never questioned, never even thought about it. Absolutely wack.

/all my life I've been dealing with your shit. I guess we have a soulmate thing/

/I am so sorry/

/it's fine let's just try to get you to stop okay?/

/yeah easier said than done./

/so you DO cut? As a form of coping? Do you have depression?

/I've never been diagnosed but yes, it's been me most of the time. I don't want to elaborate./

/I'm so sorry :( I feel like I should've been there./

/it's ok./

/maybe instead of cutting draw pictures on yourself??/

/I'm kind of shit at drawing tho/

/I didn't ask you to draw the fucking monalisa you could just draw like lines or some shit/

/okay jfc/

/so this is our first time talking right?/

/I guess you could say that/

/do you have a name or/

/you don't need to know/

/aw come on then how are we gonna fiNd each otheR/

/you'd be better off not knowing me/

/not true. I want to help you./

/I have to go/

/no wait :(/

I never got a reply. Our messages were washed away too.

/well draw something pretty for me 2morrow/

After writing a final note on the back of my hand where my first message was, I put my blue pen away. I decided that I would wait until the next day to see what my soulmate would do. They seem like a difficult person. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this.

With The Marks On Your Skin // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now