Chapter 4: It Hurt More Than Being Hit in The Face with a Hockey Puck

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*at hockey practice for the first time in forever*
"Yes!" I cheered under my breath. Zach got a hold of the puck next and was about to pass it to me, however I felt the familiar sensation of my forearm skin splitting, which caused me to drop my stick.

"Fuck." I cursed as my own blood dropped profusely on the ice, giving it a nice red stain.


"Shit." I spluttered as I tried to blink away tears. My whole body was trembling. I was not prepared for the unbearable pain in my wrists. The white bandages wrapped around my arms started to lose their color and brighten into a deep red.

"DOM!" Zach yelled from across the rink. The dark haired boy with winged eyeliner dropped his stick and zoomed as fast as he could over to me.

"Holy shit, what happened??" Zach put an arm around me as he slowly helped me skate off the rink. Everyone had stopped to see what just happened, and the rink was filled with quiet whispers about me.

"My soulmate obviously didn't take my advice." I grumbled as Zach sat me down in Coach's office. This was so fucking frustrating because today was the first time in a long time that I actually got to be on the ice. Plus, the tournament was just a few months away, and I am so far behind on training. I'll be lucky if I even get to be on the bench.

"Dom! Are you good son?" Coach Rich asked with a concerned face, instead of his usual "these boys keep me young" face.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just need some new bandages." I sighed. This was just fucking fantastic.
"Okay I'm gonna get the nurse. Zach, you stay with him." Coach Rich scurried out the office and ran towards the first aid wing of the building. Yes, there needed to be a nurse's office in an ice rink. Hockey players can be vicious!

I wasn't very open with my soulmate problem, but I didn't deny it either. Coach, my family, and close friends all knew about it, however the team doesn't know all the details. Just that my soulmate has issues.

"I'm so tired of this. I try to reason with him, and he doesn't even listen! What am I supposed to do Zach? I can't miss the tournament! All the college scouts will be there!" I let my head hang down.

"Wait, you said him?" Zach looked surprised. Oh yeah I forgot to tell him.

"I'll tell you the rest later, but basically we had another conversation earlier and he confessed he was a guy, and 16, and a junior in high school." I sighed again. Zach still looked surprised but he sat closer and pulled me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay Dom, I know you'll think of something. After all, you got through to him a couple times. What makes you think you can't do it again?"

"Well the last time I told him to stop, look what happened." I raised my arms a little but immediately put them back down. Just moving them made them hurt. It actually hurt more than that one time I got slammed in the face by a hockey puck. And that's how I lost my left premolar!!

"Okay that can't just stop overnight Dom. It's a slow process. Kind of like getting someone to stop smoking."

"I know I know." I shrugged. Why of all people was I the one who had to deal with this?

Coach Rich finally came back with a petite woman in light blue scrubs and supplies in her hand. She kneeled down in front of Dom and started to slowly unwrap his bloody bandages.

"They don't seem to be as deep, so no stitches. However, I need you to be extremely vigilant on rewrapping the bandages and putting on the medication for the cuts. Otherwise, you should be good to keep practicing." The nurse stood up and clasped her hands.

Oh thank fuck. I got lucky this time.


"Well at least you still get to practice?" Zach said as we were walking through the parking lot. Practice had just ended and it was pretty awkward after my "accident".

"Yeah. I just don't know what to do though. How am I supposed to help him if hr won't listen??" I scratched my head. I honestly didn't know. I've never had someone like this in my life.

"Well first, you have to reassure him you aren't going anywhere. Make it clear that no matter what happens, you'll always be there for him." Zach glanced up at the sky for just a second before looking back at me.

"Thanks Zach.You're so smart how do you even know all this?"
"Uh, because my brain is so fucking large. Unlike yours. Yeah I saw what you got on that math test."

"ZACH!" I yelled, playfully punching the eyeliner boy's shoulder while laughing. We both reached our cars and gave each other a bro-hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow Zach." I waved to my friend before getting into my car and Zach doing the same. We both left the school, and went our own ways home.

During the drive I was almost on my road when I felt my wrists starting to itch. I didn't want to take any chances so I pulled over to the side of the road next to a big field.

Instead of unwrapping the bandages, getting shit everywhere, I applied pressure to my wrists, but it didn't really work. It only hurt a little more. Feeling extremely frustrated, I picked up a pen from the floor of the car and started writing on the back of my left hand.

/hey whatever tf ur doing, stop it/

I sighed again as I ran my hands through my hair. I hope I get a reply soon so I can drive home in fucking peace.

/I can't/

I scowled at the messy handwriting. The fuck does this mean?

/well can you for at least 6 minutes because i need to drive and not die/

/I'll try/

I huffed in relief. Good. I continued to drive home and I didn't feel anymore itching. I got home and went straight to my room, not feeling like doing anything but sleeping. I flopped on my bed with the same pen still clenched in my hand. My eyes were getting heavy again but I decided to write one single thing before dozing off.

/what's your name?/

(edit like 2 years later: this chapter used to be in 3rd person but I changed it back to 1st person for consistency aha so sorry if it sounds really weird and abnormal)

I feel like I'm dragging things on too much but that's also because I don't know where this is going so I'm gonna try to plan that out so we can actually have a good story. But yeah that's really it I hope y'all give me some feedback xD


-ur mom

With The Marks On Your Skin // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now