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The starlit clearing was as silent as a cemetery, the moon lighting it dully. A black cat with stars in his fur broke the eerie silence with his paw steps. He emerged from the bushes that lined the clearing and padded into the middle, the stocky tom sat and waited, his thick tail wrapped neatly around his paws. The pale light that the moon gave off illuminated his amber eyes as he scanned the edge of the clearing, waiting.
"We meet again Darkstorm." Greeted a voice from the shadows, a tabby she-cat emerged, her golden fur full of stars and her black paws glinted in the moonlight as she padded over to him. "Gorseflower," Darkstorm meowed, dipping his head in greeting.
"We have much to discuss." The stars in his fur shifted as Darkstorm got to his paws.
"Yes, but we must stay on topic," she replied and sat, curling her smooth tail around her black paws. "The prophecy." she finished.
"I have given my power," he meowed, starting to pace.
"So have I," she replied "to Firekit. Darkstorm who did you choose for your power to go to?"
But, instead of answering her question, he murmured the prophecy. "One will join the black stars, young but powerful, Trees will fall and rivers will burn as the sun sleeps."
Gorseflower finished it; "There will be two, as young who will quench the fire and there will be peace as the sun wakes."
"My power belongs to Birdkit." He finally answered, stopped his pacing and faced Gorseflower. From the bushes, a dark tabby she-cat revealed herself, her dark eyes shining, her sleek body hid an evil. "Brokenlight," Gorseflower growled "How are you here?!" She hissed again through gritted teeth.
"You belong to the dark forest!" Darkstorm snapped, bunching his muscles as if ready to pounce on Brokenlight and shred her to pieces.
"Well," she let out a yowl of cruel laughter, "I have my sources. I do have a power don't forget." She padded towards the two Starclan warriors. "And I am here to pass it on."
"No!" Gorseflower gasped "You wouldn't!"
"Oh, but it has already been done," she sneered "Blackheart will rise."

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