Chapter 1

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Special thanks to -flowersanddeath for the gorgeous cover!!!

A flake of ice landed on the tip of Birdkit's nose, sending a shiver down her spine. She wriggled closer to her mother's warm belly and felt Quickfox's tongue smooth the fuzzy fur on the top of her head. "Time to wake up now my darlings," she soothed with a voice like honey, it made Birdkit feel like she was so safe and that her mother would protect her from anything, which she knew she would. "Come on, we have to move so that the warriors can patch the nursery." She urged
"Do we have to?" Asked Firekit, Birdkit knew it was him from the sound of his small voice.
"I know, I know but the den will be warmer once it's fixed and I'll take you out of camp for a bit when it stops snowing." Quickfox got to her paws and began to groom herself, Birdkit's eyes flew open at the mention of going out of camp and she could hear her other brother, Pinekit, squeaking with excitement. "Really? Will you!?" He squealed happily.
"You have to behave and do as I say though." She purred
"We will!" Birdkit squeaked. She had only been out of camp a couple of times all of which were with her mother and siblings. She couldn't wait until she was an apprentice, being stuck in the nursery all-day got boring, especially with no other she-kits to give her relief from her mischievous brothers. Whiteblaze was the other queen in the den, Birdkit had heard that her kits would be arriving soon and she was hoping there'd was at least one she kit in the litter, she couldn't handle anymore toms. She trotted over to her mother who was poking her head out of the nursery and pounced on her red tail. Her mother turned and swiped a soft paw at her kit's leg and she toppled, squealing with joy Birdkit leaped to her paws and over enthusiastically wiggled her haunches so much so that when she pounced for her mother, who was purring with amusement, she flew sideways. Landing with a small thump, Birdkit huffed and planned her next move but her mother was already walking out into the clearing. Excitement pulsed through her and she bolted out behind Quickfox, she heard a loud thump behind her and turned to see that Pinekit and Firekit where chasing a beetle. She ignored them and bounded over to where her father was standing with the deputy, Waterclaw. "I think we should be patrolling the Animalclan boarder more, they have been getting closer and closer and the minute they step over that border I want to know about..." Waterclaw broke off when he noticed her approaching.
"Lighteningstreak?" She asked nervously
"Hey, Birdkit! Where's your mother?" He asked, looking around for his mate.
"She's with Pinekit and Firekit, we are going out of camp!" She said excitedly
He licked his daughter's fluffy head and  said "Well, off you go you wouldn't lwant to be left at camp, would you? And do what Quickfox says!" he added as she scampered off to join her siblings, her tail sticking straight up.

Firekit was pounced, his paws pinning down his prey, the beetle frantically trying to escape his claws.
"Where is Birdkit?" Quickfox suddenly asked, looking around fear in her eyes,
"I haven't seen her since we left camp..." Pinekit replied, sitting guiltily, Firekit felt fear and guilt grip him as he realised he hadn't been paying attention to his sister's whereabouts either. "Birdkit?! Birdkit where are you?!" He heard his mother growing desperate, calling for her missing kit.
"I'm here." A voice answered, all three of them spun around. Birdkit emerged from a bush, immediately, Quickfox bolted over to make sure her kit was not hurt, Firekit After a thorough check Quickfox drew Birdkit into her soft belly, and said "Please Birdkit, don't run off again without telling me, thank StarClan you're ok." She licked the top of Birdkit's fluffy head, and faced her other kits, "that goes for you two as well." They nodded and Quickfox relaxed somewhat. She lead her three kits to a small clearing where there were plenty of leaves to chase and small rocks to climb, even one tall one that Birdkit scrambled up and announced,
"I am Birdstar, leader of LightClan, Fireclaw will you be my deputy?" Firekit puffed out his chest and replied,
"I would be honoured Birdstar."
"Why can't I be deputy?" Pinekit whined.
"You where leader last time and you died in the battle against BirdClan remember?" Birdkit told him, Pinekit nodded and Birdkit continued her speech.
Just after sunhigh, they're mother called them over, "we should head back to camp" she said and quickly added, trying to stop her kit's protests, "aren't you hungry? There will be no good prey left if we wait any longer."
So the three of them reluctantly trailed after Quickfox, dragging their paws, their tails sagging. Firekit cheered up a bit when Pinekit found a butterfly and they chased it until it started flying away from Birdkit and their mother and they had to let it go.
"Can we come back tomorrow?!" Birdkit asked Quickfox as they made their way through the camp entrance.
"Maybe, we'll have to see." She replied before picking a squirrel off the pile and dropping it at the kit's paws, she watched them eat before tucking in herself.
I actually lost a lot of this chapter a while ago so I tried to replicate it... if you read the original then that's good but if you didn't then this is basically the same.

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