500 reads?!!??!!?!

13 0 0

7-3-17,11:21am to 11:26am
OMG!!!!HOLA MY DOODS!!!!!!I juSt looked at the stats on my book,since I just updated a tag chap,and HOLY MOTHER OF MARSHMALLOWS(idk XD just made that up😂😂😂),I have exactly 500 READS!!!!!and 77 votes and 80 comments!!!i can't thank u enough for ur support,u guys make my day everyday,u guys give me a reason yo wake up with a smile every morning!!!i don't know wat to say except thank uUUUUUUU, u guys(and girls)are the best friends and followers and DOODS a dood(or author if u consider me one of u guys....) could ask 4!!!,I owe u soo much!and I hope that my week of inspiration helps give back to u guys!!! And tomorrow u guys get one of the msgs,and a really personal one(s) from me!so like always,thank u guys sooo much for all ur support and for reading,and I will c all yee DOODS,in the next one,bah bOi!!!!
Word count:184 words

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