Firery Sleep

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You turned the lighter on and off repeatedly . You almost forgot you had this in your pocket. It was the last thing you got before your older brother died. It had his initials branded into it.

You ran your hand through the flames. It wasn't painful or anything. You just like the warmth on your skin, and it reminds you you were loved once.

Getting bored, you opened the closet door a little. You could see Sans was asleep. You climbed out stashing the lighter away. You made your way towards the window to see nothing but darkness. You wish secretly their was a moon here. You think it would lighten the mood here.

" What are you doing up pet?"

You heard a voice called out to you. How could he possibly see you? It's so dark in here.

" I don't know."

You honestly did not want to talk to him. All he does is use you. Like he said, you're just his play toy.

" You should get some rest."

" I can't."

" What do you mean you can't?"

" I don't know. Just can't. I'm kinda like a night owl."

" So you're an insomniac?"

" Yea. You can say that. Don't worry about me though. I'll pass out soon enough."

You then out of habit took the lighter out. You flicked it on and off studying the flame. You ran your hand through once again.

Next thing you know, you felt it snatched out of your hands. You shot up seeing Sans eye glowing red. The lighter was in his hand now.

" Give that back!"

" It's dangerous. You shouldn't-"

" I don't give a fuck! That is my property you bag of bones!"

You felt yourself soon be suffocated. You punched the arm holding you up as hard as you could. This skeleton has pushed you to your limits.

" Did I tell you to speak?"

" You've been... letting me talk... this whole.. time."

You said not going to be able to say anything else. His tightened his grip even more angered. Hey, it's his fault by going by his own rules.

" Maybe we should change something about that..."

He got out the lighter putting it close to your face. You began to tremble. You squeezed your eyes tears flowing like a faucet.

" This is why fire is dangerous. You need to stay away from it."

He turned off the lighter. He dropped you your body hitting with a hard thud. You felt like a cry baby choking from now receiving oxygen.

" You cause this on yourself."

" Please Sans... don't take it away from me..."

" Now why shouldn't I? Why is it so damn-"

" It's my brother's Sans. Please. Don't take it away from me.."

You were begging on your knees. You heard absolute silence. Then you heard something small hit the ground.

" T-Thank you Sans..."

You jumped up hugging him. He tensed up before getting comfortable. You cried into his shoulder even though he caused the pain.

" Shh. It's ok."

He whispered into your ear. He ran his boney fingers through your hair comforting you. You nuzzled his neck feeling him pick you up. You yawned wrapping your legs around him like a baby. Sans headed to the closet until he heard a cute little snore.

" She's... asleep?"

" S-Sans..."

You said in your sleep. Sans glanced at the closet before heading to his bed. He tried to place you down, but you had a death grip on him. He grunted before crawling in the bed with you still holding on.

" You know, you cause a lot of trouble brat."

" Sansy.."

Sans blushed instantly. With his glowing eye, he saw how peaceful you look in your sleep. He smiled placing a hand on your cheek caressing it.

" Goodnight sweetheart~"

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