Chapter Thirteen: I Welcome Pain For Those I Love

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Can someone think of a title for this chapter?? After they read it of course, I really need a good chapter name. Love you all!!

Bagheera's POV

I listened in. Every word said I pain the upmost attention to. If anything were to happen to Mowgli or (Y/n) then they were going to pay. I don't normally talk about revenge or violence, but these were the two most important beings in my life, I would do anything for them. Everything seemed to be completely wrong ever since he asked her who she was. I had a bad vibe through all of it. And when he started talking about Shere Kahn wanting her, I almost leapt into that place and grabbed them to run. But Baloo held me back. 

Now they were talking about a deal. If (Y/n) let herself get taken by Shere Khan that they could use that to spare Mowgli's life. I knew it was a good argument and I didn't want either of them to get hurt, so I had no choice but to listen in. I never wanted (Y/n) to leave, I didn't even get a chance to tell her how I feel. I love her, but I never got to tell her, if she said yes to this, I would never forgive myself. Sure I have loved people before, but she was the only one that I had romantic feelings for, it was never something that occurred for me, and when she came along I knew she was different and that I had to have her, but if she says yes to this, then there is nothing that I can do, I wasted my chance. In fact I had so many chances to tell her, but I never could. 

I waited patiently. Listening in. 

"I will give you to Shere Khan in order to save his life. You see, there is no death, and mostly everyone gets to live on happily. What do you say?" It felt like the world stopped for this one moment. My heart pounding in my chest, my breathing picked up the slightest bit. I wasn't ready for this, I wanted her to say yes for Mowgli, but I was more towards her saying no for me. Even if she says no, Mowgli will still be safe, but he will stay with King Louie.

"King Louie, I accept." My world crashed. I could feel my heart falling to pieces. She was giving herself away, she was giving herself to another male that wasn't me. I know this feeling of possessiveness wasn't really me, but for her I would do anything. I looked over at Baloo, he almost looked as shocked as I was. 

"Alright then, here is what is going to happen now. I am going to keep you two here, until Shere Khan arrives. Then he can take you, and we will keep the boy safely guarded in case he tried to do anything." 

"Fine, just please let me quickly grab something that I left outside. I was going to give it to Mowgli before you took him. I promise not to leave, and I would never put him in danger, so you can count on me returning." She said confidently, but I don't remember her trying to give something to him. Oh, now I get it. She is going to try and talk to us, maybe she does have a plan...

(Y/n)'s POV

"As you wish, I trust you enough to let you go alone, besides it's not you who I am concerned about, but if you leave, my minions already are sending a message to Shere Khan, oh and one more thing I almost forgot. Shere Khan thinks you are dead, and so does every other creature in the jungle, so I wouldn't want to disappoint him." Louie said before I turned around and left. I gave one finally look to Mowgli. He looked sad, but I was doing this for him. I finally made it out of the temple. I could feel the monkeys stares as I left. I didn't want to look or try and alert the monkeys that there were others there, so with my tail I tried to tell Bagheera to follow me. With the corner of my eye I saw him following behind trying not to be seen.

When we got far away enough I sighed and looked at Bagheera. He looked both sad and angry. 

"Why would you do that?" He asked, I could tell he wasn't happy, he was everything but happy.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I thought it was the right thing to do. He made a fair point. If I give Shere Khan what he wants, then Mowgli will live on with us, with the wolf pack. He would have to change his life. It doesn't matter what happens to me, as long as he is happy." 

"What about your happiness? Are you going to be happy with him? And what about me?" I could see his eyes start to water up, and frankly it made me want to cry too. "What about my happiness? Don't I get to be happy, does my happiness matter to you? (Y/n)..... I love you." He paused, and it felt like the world shifted. 

"Wh-what?" He can't love me, is he trying to guilt trip me now? No... that's not like him. 

"I love you (Y/n), you are the reason I was placed on this Earth. You (y/n) are the definition of my happiness. If you leave, I will never be happy again. I can't live a moment without you." A tear fell from his eye. My heart broke. 

"What am I doing?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt y-you." I couldn't control the tears from coming. I felt something, on my head. Around my face there was a strong and furry neck. On top of my head was Bagheera's. 

"What.. what are you d-doing? Shouldn't you be m-mad at me?" He seemed to try and get closer. 

"I could never be mad at you. (Y/n) if you truly want to save Mowgli, then... that is up to you. But I will not stop you. All I want is for you to be happy, then I will try to be as well."  A few sniffles here and there, but I finally came up with a plan. 

"Actually, I do have one. Let Shere Khan come, when he gets me, get Mowgli out of there with Baloo's original plan. Then, I will distract Shere Khan, hopefully finding his weakness and using that to get away." Bagheera lifted his head off mine. 

"(Y/n), I will do as you say. I will, but on one condition. You are to never let Shere Khan touch you. If he so much as tries anything, then I will personally kill him myself." I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean? What would he do?" He stared at me surprised. 

"What I mean... n-never mind, just if he does anything that you are uncomfortable with then don't let him continue, okay?" I could of sworn I saw a blush forming on his face. 

"Okay? Anyway, I have to get back, they might get suspicious." I quickly looked around the area. I finally spotted what I was looking for. I ran and picking up a beautiful red tiger-lily. I gave Bagheera one final glance. Then he and Baloo ran off to go and 'camp out' as they waited for Shere Khan to come, me? Well I ran as fast as I could back to Mowgli. 

Sher Khan's POV (Also, have I been spelling his name wrong??)

I was perched on my rock. The wolves weary and watching my every move. Some guarding the pups. I rested my head down. Rustles came from the bushes to my left. I looked closely, only to find a monkey running out. 

"Why have you come?" I asked, I really wasn't in the mood for anyone or anything. 

"I... I came, with a message from..... King Louie." He stuttered. 

"Go on." I never really hear from the fat ball of flab, so I might as well try and hear something interesting. 

"It's about the Leopard (Y/n), she is alive, and waiting for your arrival at his mighty temple." The monkey finished. My eyes widened, and I felt my heart skip a beat. (Y/n)? Alive? I didn't wait for anything else to be said. I had bolted from my spot on the rock and launched myself to the monkey temple. I was going to have my true mate, she is going to be happy, and we are going to rule the jungle forever. 

90 votes? I know it is a lot, but we have gotten there before in other chapters, so please lets get this goal!!

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