Usui Takumi X Reader Oneshots

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Misaki, Usui, and I were very good friends. Misaki is my best friend and Usui is my crush. Misaki doesn't know that I like Usui. Everyday I always try to get close to Usui as possible, but he maybe think I am just a friend to him. Also Usui told me that he have a crush on Misaki for a very long time. I was very heartbroken. He has someone he likes. I was going to confess my feeling to him, but I don't wanted broke our friendship. So I decided to stay quiet and be happy for Usui.

I was going to my class. When I open the door, I see Misaki and Usui hugging each other. They didn't see me. So I close the door quietly. I started crying and ran to the nurse office.
"Ms (Y/n), what is wrong?" I told her that I wasn't feel to good and I wanted to sleep till the bell rings and the nurse agreed.
"Ms (Y/n), I have to go do something. Are you going to be okay staying here by yourself." I say yes.
The nurse walked out and left me sleep for a bit.

30 minutes passed
The bell ring for the class started. So I got up and walked to class. I went sit the back corner, Misaki sit in the back as well in the other corner, and then Usui sit in front Misaki.
So they always talked to each other everytime in class. Even I try to go to them, they already left me hanging.
This have happen to me everyday. So I get used to it now.
Also I still have crush on Usui. So today, I am going to tell him and let all my emotions out and never be with them ever again.

The class is over. I went up to Usui and Misaki wasn't here today and she got really sick.
"Hey Usui" I kind of got nervous.
"Oh hi (y/n)" He smiled.
I am getting red of how cute he can be.
"There is something I would like to asked you." I calm down
"What is it?" He question himself.
"Can you please come with me to the back of the school." He agreed and we both walked to the back of the school.
As we got there, I was getting really nervous and Usui know this and we're getting really confused.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" He folded both of his arms.
I sighed
"Usui, I have like you for a very long time now. I hope you like me back. If not that is okay. Please go out with me." Usui was very surprised turn to  sad face.
"(Y-y/n)......*sighed*.....I'm sorry. I told you I like Misaki. I can't let it go Misaki. She is someone special to me. She is someone change me. She is someone is so different from others and I like that alot. I'm sorry , (Y/n). Hope we can still be friends." I was very hurt and broken. Misaki beat me. She is such a great person I ever met. So I am happy for Usui and Miskai.
I sighed
"Well I guess I try. We can still be friends, Usui. I'm gotta go now. Bye" I took off and let him be. I ran and ran to the park and cry all my pain out.

Someone came behind Usui.
"Why do you have to lie to (Y/n)?" It was Misaki. Usui don't know why. He lies that he like Misaki. He doesn't like her. He like you. He don't know what to do now.
"I'm scared she doesn't like me. Now she have confessed to me. I went out blank and say whatever. I have to go find her before it is too late." Usui ran to go find you and left Misaki.
"(Y/n) please don't left me. I still love you." Usui say to himself.
Also he know where you are, at the park. When he reach to the park, he saw you sitting on the bench, crying. Usui came sit next you.
I looked up, seeing Usui sit next to me. "What are you doing here? Should be with Misaki?" I looked away.
"I'm here because I love you." Usui had sad looks.
"I-i gotta go now." I try to stand up,  but Usui grabbed me and pulled into a hug.
"I'm sorry, (y/n). I lies to you about I like Misaki. Really, I like you for a very long time. I was scared that you wouldn't love me. When you confessed to me. I was happy and surprise, but somehow I went blank and say whatever that make you feel hurt. I'm really sorry. Will you please love me and go out with me, (y/n)?" Usui is about to cry and hugging me tighter, waiting for my answer.
Suddenly I kissed him. He was shocked, then kiss back.
"Yes, I would love to go out with you, Usui." We both looked each other, enjoying each other as well.
So Usui and I continue kissing each other till it getting late.

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