| Chapter 6 |

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Pebblefall could tell he wasn't in his nest the moment he opened his eyes. He sat up, unsurprised to find himself in the misty place again. It was becoming more familiar to him, and he wasn't sure whether that was a positive or negative thing.

He blinked briefly, and suddenly, Ravenpaw was sitting in front of him. The black tom's eyes glistened with an unreadable emotion. "I did warn you."

Pebblefall remained silent, not to spite the tom, but because he was confused. He still didn't understand what the warning had been for.

Ravenpaw let out a soft growl. "But you ignored me, and continued your relationship with Sandwhisker." The tom flicked his ears angrily. "And look where that got you. Poolripple knows about it now."

Confusion danced around Pebblefall in dizzying circles. "Relationship?" he echoed. "What do you mean by that?"

Ravenpaw paused for a heartbeat before replying, almost looking startled. "You. . . don't know?"

"Know what?" Pebblefall flicked his tail again, getting slightly irritated. "Why are you always so cryptic?"

Ravenpaw curled his tail around his paws neatly, silent for a few long moments. He seemed to be considering something.

Pebblefall tried his best not to fidget, his annoyance building. If Ravenpaw had just been straightforward in the beginning, then maybe, just maybe, none of what he had been trying to warn him about would have happened.

"You care for him."

Ravenpaw's mew made Pebblefall jump slightly. "Him who?"

"Sandwhisker," Ravenpaw said bluntly. "You care for him a lot." His amber eyes began to blaze with a mildly terrifying intensity.

Pebblefall's ears twitched. "Well, of course I do. He's my friend."

He squirmed slightly under Ravenpaw's serious amber gaze. What is he trying to say this time? he thought, lowering his gaze as his fur began to heat in embarrassment.

Finally, Ravenpaw murmured, "Is he your friend. . . or just your friend?"

Ravenpaw's mew was barely a whisper in his ear as he opened his eyes again, this time back in the warriors' den. It was moonhigh, and the bright light of the half-moon shone through the mouth of the den, illuminating Sandwhisker's silky brown fur.

Pebblefall stared at his friend, scrutinising every detail of him. Ravenpaw's last words echoed in his head as he rested his chin on his paws, mulling over his thoughts about Sandwhisker. "Is he your friend. . . or just your friend?"

"Just my friend?" Pebblefall mumbled, confusion swirling in his mind, but he pushed it away to make space for his thoughts.

Enjoying being around Sandwhisker? Why, everyone would enjoy being around their friend.

Liking his scent? Well. . . surely friends wouldn't hate each other's scents?

Enjoying being touched by Sandwhisker? Well, that had to be a purely friendly feeling, right? Surely no one would want to be friends with a cat they couldn't bear to touch. . .

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