| Chapter 8 |

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Pebblefall stood in front of the medicine cats' den, staring at the entrance. Soon, this would be his den. No more warrior life for me, the tom sullenly thought.

Once he'd finally got his nerves together, Pebblefall stepped under the thorn bush to face his choice. Poolripple, who was grooming herself in the back, turned to face him upon his arrival. Her whiskers twitched in amusement, and he could tell she knew exactly what he was here for.

"Sorry about waking you up last night," the grey tom nervously started off. She stayed silent, watching him with expectant green eyes, so Pebblefall continued.

"I've decided that I'm going to train to be a medicine cat, as your apprentice." As soon as he spoke those words, he knew there was no going back. This was his future, one without warrior duties or Sandwhisker.

"Well, took you long enough," the calico she-cat scoffed, much to Pebblefall's surprise. "Let's inform Spottedstar of the change."

As they exited the medicine den, Pebblefall couldn't help but think of how Poolripple thought almost nothing of it, while he felt like a stick in a raging river. Being a medicine cat was going to be a huge transition, and his new mentor didn't seem to care. Well, she probably knew I'd choose this path anyway, Pebblefall figured.

Soon enough, the two cats reached the leader's den, where Spottedstar was curled up, resting in the sun's warm rays. The leader's ear twitched as they approached, then she got up and stretched, shaking out her pelt.

"Yes, Poolripple?" the tabby she-cat greeted, eyeing Pebblefall with an unreadable expression. The medicine cat stepped forward.

"StarClan has told me that I must take Pebblefall here as my apprentice," she gestured to him with her tail, "and he has accepted their request."

Spottedstar arched an elegant eye. "StarClan told you this? After he's already become a warrior?"

"Yes," Poolripple responded, and Pebblefall could easily identify the note of irritancy rising in her voice for being questioned. "They have their reasons, and they've deemed it necessary."

Spottedstar tilted her head for a couple of heartbeats, studying them both, and then she rose to her paws. "Alright," the leader concluded slowly. "I will announce this new change to the clan. And Pebblefall?" He turned and met her gaze.

"Good luck with your studies. You will make an excellent medicine cat."

Pebblefall nodded, grateful for his leader's praise, but also doubting she was right. After stepping down from Spottedstar's den, the grey tom bounded into the clearing to hear her speak. Spottedstar leapt onto a large rock and yowled, "All cats old enough to swim, gather to hear my words!"

Cats poured from their dens to cluster around Pebblefall, who wondered where Sandwhisker was, but quickly shoved the thought away. He needed to forget about all...that.

Pebblefall heard a few warriors exchange whispers. "Are any of the kits ready to be apprenticed?" "Is someone retiring to the elders' den?" No, he replied silently, it's just me.

"Cats of RiverClan," Spottedstar started with a clearing of her throat. "I have a quick announcement to make." Here we go.

"Poolripple has decided to take on Pebblefall as her apprentice." Clamor arose, but she kept going.

"It is StarClan's will, so we will do as they wish! Although our medicine cat is young and healthy, surely they know what we do not. Meeting dismissed!" Spottedstar ended with a flick of her tail, returning to her earlier nap.

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