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Smolder sat at the dining table, with a golden SandWing across from him. He had finally moved on, finding new love for the outstanding, brave, and cute SandWing.  Sunny smiled, her green eyes shimmering, "so, what did you need to talk to me about?" She said, her eyes staring into his.
Smolder stared back into the green eyes of his love, he said "i-i, listen sunny... I really...." He trailed off, and then covered his face, feeling heat rising to the scales under his eyes. "Like you....." Smolder muffled, sunny laughed "aww Smolder, all my friends tell me that." Something glimmered in her eyes for enough seconds for him to catch, was it.... Hurt? The prince said, more softly "sunny, I love you..." Sunny froze, her talons... Trembling?
In a flash, she zipped across the skinny table and knocked him off his chair. She cried "I feel like an idiot!" Into his chest, his mouth trying to form words. He smiled, his face returned​ to heat, and he could feel hers returning as well.
I won't ever let you go.... I won't let anyone ever touch you, I already made that mistake once- and I'm not going to let it happen again...

Wings of fire: one shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora