Chapter 10: shh! Your smile.

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You adore him, don't you?
I? What..? Nah! Nah!
You totally do! My girl your whipped!

"I am late! OMG! I am so late......I ammm soooo late!!"

I was in the school hallway pacing around, Waiting for Aiza to show up, but I don't think that monkey was going to show up anytime soon.

Wondering where am I late to? Of course to the highly anticipated meeting of the century at least for me, I clearly remember telling him to show on time nevertheless here I am doing the exact opposite.

Goodness, why did I accept Aiza's request, she had told that she had some work in the Library so she wanted to accompany me but even I know what that work would consist of, spying on us.

Alright, calm down Inayath, we still have 2 minutes to 5, if I ran and take that shortcut to the library, I can reach on time.

Aiza I'm sorry but I have to screw you now.

Inzar, here I come. Clutching my skirt a little higher I took the stance for running.

I was totally ready to race with time however luck being my best friend decided to stop by and be my guest in the form of.....

"Inayath sheikh! What are you doing? Making such a racket just outside my cabin huh! Today's generation! Always wandering like they own the many times should I tell you not to waste your time...............(insert the blah blah stuff teachers talk about)"

She went on like that for 15 minutes straight, who else could lecture you so much other than Mrs Chakchak?

" go shoo shoo what are you waiting for? Special invitation??"

"Yes madam I'm going!"

I'm going to kill this lady one day I promise!

By the time, I reached the library, it was 20 past 5 and I was in very bad condition, my scarf was askew, clothes ruffled and most importantly my breath that wouldn't stop announcing the whole world of it's presence!

Thank you my lungs for your kind hearted cooperation, now please kindly slow down, my inner me said to my pair of lungs with its epitome of calmness and folded hands, yeah my imagination is great. Duh!

What would he think if he sees me like this?

Inner me 1 '.................. '

Inner me 2 'shakes head'

Inner me 3 'no reaction'

What? Can't a girl be conscious of her appearance?

Inner voice 12346678889 'yeah right! Conscious of appearance only in front of?'

I swear my brain talks too much rubbish! Too many inner voices!

'Oye! Mr brain!? How can you reproduce so many voices without my permission? I forbid you of further involvement with Mrs brain! What are you both trying to do produce a new city?'

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