Chapter 11: I may or may not be stalking you.

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Chapter dedicated to that irritating creature who irritated the shit out of me during my childhood days. Coz of whom I'm now a pro at irritating people.


Maybe love will not be present at that one second when you need it, but family is always and forever and ever.
❤💯 ❤


"Mummy??! What did you just say??"

It was a beautiful Sunday. I'm no nature person, but when there is a holiday, even a stormy day looks beautiful. Isn't it?

I was just lazing around the sofas munching on my lovely potato chips thinking about that script Mr chuckles and I prepared, when mommy dearest decided to drop the bomb on me.

"Inayath? Do you clean those ears of yours? I just repeated it three times! We are going to Hyderabad to attend a marriage function. Okay?"

"But..but why do we have to go to Hyderabad mummy? It's to far! And too hot too! And you know that I have college right? What about it?"

"Listen, it's your cousin's marriage, we have to go, we can't deny them. And I informed you about this two weeks back, didn't I? When you were watching those Chinese people on your phone."

"Mummy!! Those are Korean people, there is a huge difference! And I didn't hear you that time! Mummy, I have a project due on Thursday, how will I be able to complete it?"

I said now pacing around and showing dramatic hand actions to emphasize my point.

"Beta, we have a train reservation of today's night, and the Nikha is tommorow night that's Monday night, Tuesday is the reception, so we leave on Wednesday morning, we will reach by night. You can go on Thursday to college. See simple! And do your project today na, otherwise take your books with you and finish it there in free time, how does that sound?" Mummy calmly explains me.

"It's a group project!"

"So call your partner today at home and finish it."

"It's a boy."

"Oh, then go to the library and finish it, there will be supervision there, it's not like library closes on Sunday at least not here."

"Ugg!! Mummy he is irritating! He won't finish it in a day, I know that. I'm going to lose marks" I almost had that crying face on, exactly showing how pitiful I was.

"Inayath, beta this is your project you somehow handle it, email him or something. And I trust you so no funny business, okay?"

Funny business, yeah right when he stops being his moody self which of course is not going to happen anytime soon.

"Okay okay! I will go get the project done, please mummy you pack everything..coz you know how I suck at packing."

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