I thought we were just getting ice cream

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"What the fuck" I mumbled, rubbing my head,
"Cute, she's confused" I heard someone chuckle
"D-don't be rude" I heard a small stuttering voice of a boy going through some hardcore puberty say. I pushed myself off the ground and stumbled forward, someone caught me and held up steady, still in their arms I opened my eyes. This man wore a blue shirt and white coat, he was quite tall and skinny, I trailed my eyes up to his head, I made eyes contact with beautiful eyes, followed by a mono brow and some crazy spiky blue hair. "Uh R-Rick what's wrong his her" I heard the same little boy say, I turned my head to look at him 'Morty?! Wait if that's Morty... oh god, I'm holding on to Rick Sanchez like a fucking idiot' I slowly turned my head to face the man holding me again and with just my luck I was right, I'm being held by Rick.

I let go of Rick and stood a few steps back, locking my fingers together, not wanting to move "hi" I awkwardly said. Rick took out his canteen and took a sip of it "heeyyy *burp* y/n, you must be confused" he said putting the canteen back inside his coat pocket and pulling out his whiteboard. I scanned all the shit he had scribbled all over the board, it explained how I got here and how he knew me, it must've looked like gibberish to Morty, poor, always, only 20% right Morty. Rick started to explain what he did "so since-"
"Yeah I know"
"And this-"
"What about-"
"Yeah Rick I know I already read all that" I shrugged my shoulders, he put his whiteboard away and walked into the rest of the house. 'Rude, he Just left' I looked over to Morty who was just standing there "hey Morty"
"H-h-hey y/n, how are you, I know this might be a lot to take in" Morty stuttered, I ruffled his hair "nah I understand most of this"
"U-uh so about Rick, he just re-really likes to be the smartest, s-so when you said you know what was going on i-i-it kinda pissed him off" Morty explained, I came to realization "thanks Morty, could you find him for me?"
"Sure" Morty ran off. 'Great fucking job y/n, you had one thing to do, make a good impression, but noooo you had to fuck everything up with your knowledge, great' I pulled out a chair and took a seat waiting for Rick to come back.

A few minutes later Rick walking in drunk as ever, I walked got up and helped him over to a seat "god Rick how much have you been drinking?"
"Y-y-you should know you ha*burp*ave an obsession with mee" Rick laughed, I put him down on a chair and sat next to him, choosing to ignore his remark I asked him a question to change the subject, "why Rick, out of thousands of people did you pick me to bring into your world?" Rick's eyes shot opened then his gaze move straight to the ground "I-I guess *burp* I wanted someone who's as smart as me, to hang out with, w-w-who's a human"
"Well I'm here now, you wanna go on an adventure?" I stood up and Leander against the spaceship. Rick smiled "Morty!"
"Yeah Rick!" Morty yelled back
"You-you have to go to school today, I'm taking y/n on *burp* a adventure!" Rick opened the spaceships doors and hopped in
"F-fine Rick!" Morty whined. I turned to Rick "so where we going today?" Rick smiled and started the spaceship "you want ice cream from a different planet?" My eyes lit up "yesss!" I squealed, Rick cringed "okay-okay just *burp* please d-don't ever squeal again, it reminds me of Summer" I laughed and nodded my head, then we were off to get ice cream.

The whole ride was quite funny, surprisingly Rick and I got along well, I don't know what it was but I think we really connected *cough* drinking *cough* what I didn't say anything jeez man.

We got out and ordered our ice cream, it was kinda weird finally being around all these aliens, I respected them but it was still weird. Rick didn't seem to care much about the aliens until he became aware that I was uncomfortable being around them. "Come on y/n let's go somewhere else" Rick stood up and got back into his spaceship, I followed him quickly, before I was able to step into the spaceship, some tall skinny bug looking thing grabbed me. "Uh let go of me" I pulled my arm, unfortunately not getting out of his grip 'great my first time out with Rick and I'm already getting grabbed by an alien, well I can't say I expected anything else, I'm with Rick' I thought as the alien tried pulling me away, Rick grabbed a laser gun he had in his pocket and pointed it at the alien. "Let go of her you creEep" Rick burped, I couldn't help but laugh, "what did you fiIiind that funny?" Rick burped again, I kept on laughing, Rick was such an idiot but I loved it. The alien forcefully tugged my arm, popping it out of place for a second "ow" I murmured, Rick pulled the trigger on the gun, shooting the alien right in the middle of the forehead. Rick put the gun back into his pocket, I looked up at him with a tilted smile "you're ruthless man"
"What he hurt you, I didn't *burp* want you to get hurt already" Rick said defensively
"I wasn't complaining Rick" I laughed
"Whatever just get in, we might as *burp* well go home you dropped your ice cream because of that guy and well you can have mine" Rick handed me his ice cream when I sat down, "thanks" I hugged him
"Whatever, don't stick your head to far up your ass" Rick mocked as he drove us back to the Smith house.

Sneak peak

"Y/n what the fucks that?" Rick grabbed my arm, I looked at my arm and shock my head "I have no idea, that wasn't there yesterday"
"Great" Rick said dragging me off to his garage
"Uh what do you mean great?" I asked Rick.

Rick and Morty x Reader: Lets hope this goes well. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now