What is this feeling?-7

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(This chapter will be really short sorry guys! And we're still in Morty POV right now. Sorry that there aren't any photos for the Chapters, I'm super busy and I can't find any good photos.)

"What the hell?" I freaked out, "what happened to her, I just found her and-and"
"Morty" y/n cut me off. I looked at her and frowned, she gave me a soft smile "nothing is wrong, she'll be fine, while you were in the cave I found a green slime left on the rocks over there" she pointed to the rocks at the entrance of the cave. "I tested the green stuff and it turned out it's the slime of a dangerous plant that infects its victims turning them into mindless monsters" I was still horrified by what happened to Summer but I kept on listening. "I made a cure and she will be fine, let's go get ice cream until she wakes up" I gave a sigh of relief then agreed, y/n carried Summer on her back and we headed off to the next dimension to get ice cream.

-Y/n's POV-
The first place we found gave me the same weird feeling I felt at the house, I didn't know what it was so I kept ignoring it. I ignored it in the next dimension, and the next, and the next. Until the feeling got too strong, it made me feel sick to my stomach, my arms and legs were both feeling weak, I had to sit down for a little bit before I collapsed. "Y/n are you okay?" Morty asked. "Of course she's not Morty, what kind of question is that?" Summer yelled at Morty. "Well Summer, a-at least I'm trying to help her, n-n-not like you!" Morty pushed Summer, then she pushed back, they started fighting and yelling at each other and that definitely wasn't helping how I felt right now. I felt bad, I felt sorry for myself, sorry for the kids, for Beth and strangely Jerry. I don't know why I felt like this and it felt horrible, I don't ever feel sorry for myself, it was like I was feeling someone else's feelings, but how is that even possible. I stood up "kids stop-" what felt like a punch to my stomach forced me to the ground. "Y/n!" Summer and Morty instantly stopped fighting to come help me, Summer put my arm over her shoulders to help me up and I leaned on Morty to stabilize myself. "Sorry guys, I have no idea what's happening to me"
"I-I think we should go back home" Morty said
"Yeah, I think that's for the best, could you get the portal up for me?" I pulled out the portal gun and handed it to Morty. He got a portal open and we stepped through it.

But it wasn't home,

It wasn't anywhere any of us had seen before,

Though it felt like I've been here before,

That I've been taken through here,

And for some reason,

I was being pulled towards a hallway.

"Guys stay here, I'm gonna go take a look" I pushed myself off Summer, but she grabbed my arm and stopped me "you are not going anywhere in this condition without us, right Morty?" Summer looked to Morty and smiled. Morty smiled back "yeah, we're not leaving you" he grabbed my hand and hugged me. I sighed but nodded "you guys are as stubborn as your grandfather"
"So are you" Morty giggled, Summer softly giggled too as we walked down the hallway.

After a few minutes we had twisting and turning down hallways, through doors and into new areas which we've never seen before but felt so familiar. We reached a door, it looked like every other door but I knew it was different. Not the door itself but what it locked in the room and locked us out of. We tried everything to get the door open but it was no use. When we were finally ready to give up, a sharp pain cut across my face, there was no mark, no blood, nothing but a mumbled scream from the other side of the door, and I knew I had to get this door open. So I pushed Summer and Morty around the corner and shot a large raygun beam at the door. The force of the shot and explosion pushed me off the ground and into the wall behind me. I dropped to the ground and the dust from the explosion blew away. Summer and Morty ran over to me and helped me up. Morty let go and stopped, his face dropped and his eye widened "Y/n you might wanna see this"
"Huh?" I turned my head to the room, the door was gone and hanging in front of me was the reason I felt so much pain,
For so long,
The reason I came back here without knowing it,
Why I can't leave this family,
Why I can't leave "Rick?"

Rick and Morty x Reader: Lets hope this goes well. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now