After his disappearance-6

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(Hey guys! I've finally updated and I hope you've all stuck around while my slow ass finished this. I've officially finished this story but will be posting each chapter the next day so I don't just chuck everything at you at once. Thanks and enjoy!)

It's been nearly two months now, and I still haven't forgot about Rick, I wish I could but I can't. I went back to visit the Smith family to see how they were doing with Rick's disappearance.

When I got there my body felt a bit weird, I thought it was since I wasn't used to the teleporting device, it was the first time shock, but it was something different. It felt like horror, and confusion, something I've never felt when I came here. Usually I feel safe, and that I know everything and everyone will be fine, thing is, that was when Rick was around, he made me feel safe, that everything was gonna be okay, because that's how Rick always felt, or acted. I could feel when Rick was unsure, when he was angry, sad, annoyed, and anything else, but he's never felt scared so I didn't know where this feeling was coming from.

Morty hadn't seen me yet, I noticed he was putting some of Rick's things into a box, so I pushed what I was feeling to the side for now. "Hey Morty" I walked up to Morty and hugged him. "Oh y/n I'm so glad your back!" Morty hugged me tightly back. I was happy to see him to, I missed this sweet little guy "so what cha' doing?" I asked. "Oh, well since R-Rick isn't here anymore, we're putting his stuff away" Morty weakly smiled, Morty didn't want to put Ricks things away, I knew that, and so did he. "Morty?"
"Do you -uh- still have Rick's Portal gun?" I asked
"Yeah it's just over there" Morty pointed to Rick's bench. "Thanks" I went over to the bench and moved a few old scraps aside. I picked up Rick's laser gun "wow" I put it in my coat pocket. I finally found Rick's portal gun, it was hidden under a board and some metal. "Still has some juice in it, sweet!"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, well after Rick left we never used it again" Morty sighed. "Morty do you wanna go on an adventure?" I bent down to him. Morty looked around for a few seconds, he glanced at the door that lead back inside "yeah" Morty nodded his head softly. I smiled "then go get dressed, I'll be right back" I walked over to the teleporter and left.

I threw on a red shirt, blue jeans, black boots and my white lab coat. I grabbed my flask, filled it with the last bit of whiskey I had in the shelf, and placed it my coat pocket. I put Rick's portal gun and laser gun in my coat pocket as well. I was so excited to go on an adventure, thing is I don't know where to go. Maybe explore somewhere new, if we can find somewhere new. A abandoned dimension? Oh maybe where Unity used to live. We could go visit Mr. Poopy Butthole, although I don't think he'd enjoy seeing us, due to you know, Beth shooting him. Maybe we should just let our instincts kick in, go where our minds lead us, [insert more inspirational quotes] or something like that. This is going to be great!

I made my way back into Rick's garage, one pixel at a time. I think this machine it starting to get old, might have to fix it a bit if I ever want to come back. When I went to get Morty I felt it again. A weird feeling, the feeling of horror and confusion, I only felt it when I entered this world. I do not like this feeling, it's unusual. I continued to go find Morty, shaking that weird feeling off again. I saw Beth and Summer in the lounge room together. Beth was vacuuming and Summer was on her phone again. I slowly crept up behind Summer, Beth noticed me and held back a smile when I placed my finger over my lips. I got really close to Summer and hugged her "hey Sweetie" I whispered. Summer dropped her phone and screamed "y/n!!! You're back! I missed you so much" she turned around and hugged me very tightly. I was glad to see her too, if I ever had a granddaughter I want her to be like Summer. "I missed you to Summer, I was gonna take Morty out for a bit, if you want to come you can, but it's going to be, well out of this world" I laughed at my own horrible joke. Summer gave it a bit of a think then jumped off the couch and ran up stairs to get dressed. "Hey Beth" I walked over and hugged Beth tightly, I hope she doing okay since Rick's disappearance. "Hey y/n, I'm glad you come visit, the kids and I really missed you" she said "and yes, I'm doing fine since my dad left"
"Well I wasn't going to ask" I said. "Yes you were, I could see it on your face" she smiled and turned off the vacuum "and it's nice of you to take the kids out, just don't get lost, or get them lost"
"I won't, I promise" I hugged her and left to go get Morty and Summer.

Morty walked out of his room and in the bathroom, Summer sat on her bed putting her shoes on while I stood in the hallway waiting for the both of them. They both came out at the same time and smiled. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yes!" They both exclaimed, they were really excited for this, I guess they missed all this excitement and life threatening danger. I opened up a portal and we were on our way.

We went to one place, it looked nice, so we walked around for a bit. 'This looks too quiet, I wonder when the danger will pop out' I wondered to myself. When it looked like Morty and Summer were finally getting along, Summer tripped and fell into the opening of a cave, Morty and I ran after Summer but Morty was the only one out of the two of us that could fit through the cave. "Morty here, take this, make sure it's safe and then get your sister" I handed Morty a laser gun and watched as he crawled into the cave opening. I sat in panic waiting for them both to come back out.

-Morty's POV-
It was really quiet and dark in here, the laser gun y/n gave me was the only light I had. I started to hear a faint noise, it sound like Summer saying my name. I crawled as fast as I could. Summers yells got less frequent, but louder, so I knew I was going the right way. "S-Summer!? Are you there?" I yelled. I could see Summers hair shine in the dark corner of the cave, "Summer, are you okay?" I got worried, Summer didn't respond and she wasn't moving that much. I grabbed Summers arm. Summer turned her head and her eyes glowed a bright yellow, and drool dripped down her mouth. Scared, I crawled out of the cave, with Summer chasing behind me. When I got out of the cave, Summer was close behind me, I tripped over and landed hard onto the ground. As Summer went to attack me y/n grabbed my shirt and threw me behind them, they put a green coloured liquid into a gun and shot Summer in the arm.
Summer dropped to the ground, not moving.

Rick and Morty x Reader: Lets hope this goes well. (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz