Climate Change, Conspiracy Theories and Control. An Allegory

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One man with a gun can control 100 without one - Vladimir Lenin

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One man with a gun can control 100 without one - Vladimir Lenin

Control needs one thing to exist. Just one thing. Fear. Pointing the finger at a common enemy makes sense, and appeals to our earliest set of survival instincts. First we must locate the thing that is 'bad' or 'wrong' according to our commonly accepted paradigms and then we must isolate it by fearing it or attempting to destroy it. Or both.

But what happens when what we fear is no longer seen as the enemy but as part of the control mechanism? And what has this subject to do with climate change? Please read on.

One cannot so much as glance at an article about global warming or climate change without seeing at least one rant in the comments section that global warming is a conspiracy created by those in power for the simple purpose of defrauding good honest folks of their hard earned money. To perpetrate this hoax, these powerful people have told the scientists to lie and to continually provide false data; they encourage the media to frequently publish fear stories to keep the people in a state of discomfort while continuing to quietly increase carbon taxes in more interesting and inventive ways. There are some very angry people out there, and they are all over the Internet. They blog, they campaign, they use YouTube, they tweet, and they continue to repeat the same mantra over and over...that global warming is a complete hoax. While it is reasonable to assume that so long as there is no hard and fast data that proves the link between CO2 emissions and global warming, these people can continue to shout their message far and wide if it makes them feel better. What is more relevant is why they are so angry. What are they afraid of? Being wrong? Being right? Why are they so determined to control this issue in any way that they can? Or...could it be possible that they are just a cog in the control machine without even realising it?

Control is an interesting concept. We speak of it in many ways. We control our temper or our spending, we control our bad habits, we control our diet, some of us like to control other people, some of us are controlled by other people. We have remote controls for almost everything imaginable. People talk about mind control, controlled states, customs control, military control, thought control...the list is long. Perhaps too long. The more we think about it, the more we seem to realise that control is a huge part of our reality. Yet control is nothing more than a concept. It is not a concrete item which can be handled, measured and opened up to see what's inside. It is nothing more than a thought, albeit a very powerful collective thought. We all believe in it and we are all part of it.

Seen in this light, let's divert from the post topic for a few minutes and pretend control has become a lovely green field, that is large and large in fact that almost all of humanity and the world's animals are able to live in it comfortably. In this massive field are homes, cities, towns, factories, airports, oceans, mountains and forests...but at its very edge it is just a lovely green field that ends a fence. This fence is not remotely frightening. It is a fairly ordinary wooden fence. Easy to climb over, it might even suggest to many that climbing it could be fun...

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