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     tw for gay slurs


     "I-I admit to that." Evan said shakily as he sat in the parking lot curled under a tree. A group of people had refused to stop tormenting him for what seemed like hours. He admitted to finding one of the shorter ones with brown hair and glasses attractive but he tried to shake it off of him.

     "Then wheres your friend? Too fucking ugly to have one?" The tallest one sneered as he shoved his boot into Evan's side. Evan didn't really care for any pain, but words seemed to sting him more than anything physical.

     "Just... Fuck off." He mumbled as he tried getting up, only to be pushed back down by a skinnier female.

      "We're not done with you." She laughed as she casually punched him back to the ground.

      "Hold him for a sec, then we can have some fun." The natural leader announced, Evan almost screaming a little as he felt his wrists taken in someone else's hands. He struggled for a moment until he deemed it helpless, almost waiting for whatever was about to be thrown at him. 

      Jared stood scared with the rest of the posse. He didn't want to beat up the boy, he had taken interest in him after they had so often gone after him. He never had the confidence to break out or talk to Evan, so he usually went along with it but didn't participate.

      "Let the homo have first swing." The girl cooed, shoving Jared in front of Evan.

       "N-No it's really okay I'm not that strong and I'd rather just wa-"

       "Have a go at him, Kleinman." The taller one nearly growled, pushing Jared closer. Evan cowered, tears rimming his eyes as Jared looked at him empathetically.

       "You... You know what I actually feel really sick so I'm just gonna-"

        "Pussy." A boy from the back yelled, causing the group to laugh. Jared squeezed his eyes shut, raising a fist. A cheer broke out, turning into a chant for Jared to make a move. Evan wouldn't care if it was anyone else, but since he had taken a liking to Jared he didn't want him to be like the rest. Jared's fist was close to his face when he stopped, looking Evan directly in the eyes. He turned around looking angrily to the group, keeping his fist clenched tightly.

      "Fuck you. Just leave him alone, okay?" Jared said almost quietly, but his voice full of a passionate rage.

      "What did you just say to me?"

      "Fuck you. He didn't do anything to you so lay off. I've had enough, you treat him like shit but he didn't do anything! So, before I beat you up, fuck off." Jared snarled as he stood up trying to meet the tallest boys height. Instead of his desired response, Jared was met with a fist to his face. He fell next to Evan, feeling kicks and punches coming in from all angles until the group was satisfied. They walked away laughing, leaving Jared bleeding next to a shocked Evan.

     "S-Shit you... You didn't have to... To do that..." Evan was rushing as he opened his bag, having bandages in his pockets. He sat Jared against the feeble tree they were near, starting to clean his cuts and bruises as best he could. As Jared came back to reality, he looked at Evan confused.

     "Of course I had to. They were hurting you..."

      "I deserve it though."

      "No, Evan, you don't. I'm Jared, and you didn't do anything bad to them so... They shouldn't do anything bad to you." Jared looked concerned to the smaller boy, wincing as the bandages wrapped around his skin.

     "T-Thank you... That was really... Cool... Of you. I appreciate it." Evan nearly laughed, sitting against the tree next to Jared. Their knees rested against each other, causing both boys to blush.

      "It was my pleasure. I mean, I was happy to do it. I-I needed to, y'know?"

      "I don't, actually." Jared blushed at Evan's small voice, their finger tips brushing against each other as they sat in silence for a moment as the wind blew by.

      "I kinda... I mean, it's stupid. Never mind."

       "N-No... Go on."

       "I kinda like you. I never wanted to hurt you... I felt trapped by them." Jared said through the muffler of his hands. Evan looked to Jared in disbelief, moving closer to the boy as they sat. He put his hand on his knee and another on his shoulder, looking to him softly.

      "I kinda like you too..." Evan whispered back, awkwardly holding Jared's hand as he reached it out to Evan. They sat quietly again, the tension between them growing each second. Evan held Jared's hand loosely before looking at the other who was currently looking out to nothing. He leant up to kiss Jared's cheek quickly, shrinking away quickly.

     "I-I'm sorry I just-" He was cut off by Jared pressing his lips against his own, Evan shocked at the gesture but kissing back. He put his hand thankfully on Jared's face, holding it so as they pulled away they remained looking into each others eyes.

     "I'll keep you safe from them, okay?"

      "You really don't have to." 

     "But I want to." Jared carried motive in his voice, reaching out to Evan so his hands were in the other boys. He squeezed his hands tight as he offered a smile, watching Evan's cheeks light up again. 

     "If you don't mind me asking, why did they start?" 

      "O-One of them caught me taking my anxiety pills and it just... Went downhill... From there." Evan finished with a sad smile, watching Jared's expression fall. 

      "I didn't even know... I'm such an asshole why the fuck do you even like me?" Jared's voice got louder as he nearly yelled at himself, but as he saw Evan cower as he got louder he stopped.

      "B-Because you're cute and you never hurt me really a-and you're just a good person!" Evan said as his voice choked up, feeling Jared's hand squeeze his again.

      "You're really adorable too... And really fucking smart. Like in science I had no idea someone could know that much about trees." Evan giggled a little, leaning against Jared's shoulder.

      "You're pretty great, Kleinman." Evan teased at the nickname, earning a blush from Jared.

       "Not to bad yourself, Ev." 


a.n: WOW ENDING WHO IS SHE jk im so sorry kms

Gay Kleinsen One Shots // Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now