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Author note: This chapter is really really really stupid, and idek where this book is going anymore tbh. Either way, it was fun af to write. Have fun.

Sorry for taking awhile to update. I was having some internet problems yesterday, and I planned to upload this chapter then.

Remember to vote and/or comment in you enjoy!


Dick was bored.

Very bored.

Megan decided to make a dinner for everyone, while the cookies were in the oven. Dick sat on the counter babbling while she cooked, and the others continued to watch their movie.

Superboy and Kaldur came back about an hour later when the food was nearly done. When Dick came into Connor's view, he scowled.

"What's he doing here?" Connor asked no one specifically, pointing to the boy sitting on the counter. He stopped talking to Megan and turned to look at Connor.

Megan groaned. "Connor, he has a right to be here. Don't be rude."

Kaldur didn't feel like hearing Connor's crap, so he walked over to the couch to join the others.

Connor walked over to Megan, giving Dick an odd look. The younger boy just shrugged. Connor rolled his eyes.

"What are you cooking?" Superboy asked the Martian, and she smiled. "Some chicken, mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and some cookies in the oven!" She exclaimed.

Superboy scoffed. "Cookies? Again? Lemme guess. It was his idea?" He said, pointing his thumb to Dick who had crossed his arms.

Megan just rolled her eyes and continued to cook the food.

A few minutes later Megan declared the food finished, and everyone sat down at a table. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food, especially Robin.

"Urrggh... I can't eat anymore..." Wally groaned, clutching his stomach after eating three plates off food.

"I can! Pass the potatoes, please!" Dick said, and Wally handed the bowl of mashed potatoes to him.

Everyone else was nearly finished with their plate even though there was quite a bit of food left. Robin continued to eat, surprisingly.

"You're eating like you haven't ate in ten years." Connor pointed out rudely.

Dick had enough of him. His rude comments, his shitty attitude...

So, instead of taking his helping of mashed potatoes, he slammed it in the clone's face.

Everyone's jaws dropped to the ground, and Artemis and Wally began to laugh. Superboy growled, trying to swipe the potato off of his face.

That was the second time Dick had smashed food in someone's face today.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Connor yelled, angrily pounding his fist on the table.

"Nope." Dick replied, serious as ever. Wally and Artemis continued to laugh, and Zatanna started to giggle as well. Even Raquel had a smirk on her face. Kaldur and Megan just sat there awkwardly, surprised at what Robin had done.

"Robin. Why would you do that?" Kaldur asked the boy who then continued to eat while Connor helplessly scratched at his potato-covered face.

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