My Brother's Friend

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It had been six months since I'd seen my brother who also happened to be my best friend. Just 3 years older than me & a college drop-out, Steven was the so called "screw up" of the family. Instead of pursuing a career in engineering like every other guy in the family, Steven decided to spend the last year or so traveling all over the goddamn world. I really did envy him, the things he'd been able to do. However, I couldn't help but wonder how he'd been able to make ends meet. Anyway, for the last 2 years, my parents made it first priority to cut him out of the family, trying to stop any contact between him & I. But it had been a year since I've lived at home with my delusional parents and summer break had just arrived.

Being a freshman in college was so damn stressful & I was honestly so glad to just have a really fucking good time considering how my ex screwed me over just about 2 months prior by fucking my roommate... good times. So my best friend Leesa & I were hyped to go on a road trip with my brother and his friend Jesse. And oh, in case you were wondering my name is Marley.

Leesa & I had just arrived at the airport in San Francisco and were waiting to find my brother. He'd better not be late I thought to myself, as he had a habit of doing this. I called him up & luckily he answered.

"Marley!!! I'm here I swear, I just went to the wrong gate, wait there" and he hung up. I gave Leesa a look & we both sighed at the obvious lie.

It had been about a half hour & was approaching on 10 when I felt two hands wrap around me from behind and lift me in the air. I basically flipped a shit until I realized it was the one & only Steven, my brother & pain in my ass. I elbowed him to get him to put me down as he laughed his butt off.

"Fuck you Steven!!!" I yelled at him as he kept snickering, knowing I couldn't stay mad at him for more than a minute. I pulled him in for a hug.

"Awe I missed you little sis!!!" He said as we broke apart.

The ride to his place consisted of Steven feeling the need to tell Leesa every embarrassing story about me he could think of. That fucker. I decided I would  get him back later. Eventually, I drifted off to a comfortable sleep as I was exhausted from all the flying.

When we pulled up to the place, I quickly noticed it was more of a party house than an actual house. Dozens of people were scattered all over, glasses of alcoholic beverages & blunts could be found in mostly everyone's hands. I slowly started to slip out of my hazy tired mood & got excited.

Yeah I was gonna get trashed. Fuck it. It's summer.

Leesa clearly had the same mindset as I; we made Steven rush us up to our room so we could come back down & have a good time. Quickly, we touched up our makeup & changed into more party appropriate clothes.

"Leesa" I said, the excitement clearly evident in my voice "let's get fucked up!!!"

We both started laughing like maniacs but we couldn't give a shit. We raced down like actual children & were sure to take a couple shots before anything. Leesa & I made it outside to where I spotted Steven. I waved him over.

"Hey big brother!!" I called, finally feeling some of the effects of the alc.

He came over & so did a guy followed by three or four girls. I could tell my brother has been pretty friendly with some of them as they were practically glued to him. As they approached, I got a look at the guy with my brother. And holy shit. He was fucking hot.

If that's Jesse i asdfkglg... yeah I'm a little more than tipsy right now I've gotta keep it together I thought to myself.

"Marley, Leesa, this is Jesse" Steven said.

"Hi" he said, cigarette hanging from his mouth. He was wearing a muscle tee revealing his toned biceps and bronzed figure. He ran his hand through his dark rugged curls and I just about died. I could see Leesa introducing herself to him but he kinda didn't take his eyes off me. Maybe I was imagining it. I took note of the millions of freckles that scattered his face & his dangerous dark eyes as they met mine.

"Marley" I said smiling.

The rest of the night was a blur. Unfortunately I didn't get much of a chance to talk to Jesse as he seemed to be constantly surrounded by at least 2 girls at a time. Whatever, I wasn't looking for anything serious and besides, he's my brothers friend. I silently cursed at myself for thinking that considering I just met the guy.

The last thing I could remember was Steven practically dragging me to my room where Leesa already was completely passed out. She was such a god damn lightweight. I could've sworn Jesse helped my brother wrangle me up to the room but I was so faded I couldn't even walk properly. It didn't take long for my whole body to shut down into a coma like sleep. Damn was summer gonna fuck me up. And in the best way.

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